[RegCNET] Error for creating SST file using CNRM-CM5 SST data

Xuejia Wang wangxuejia86 at 163.com
Fri Dec 11 07:37:52 CET 2015

Dear everyone,

I am using RegCM4.3.4 nested with CNRM-CM5. Now an error occurs to me when create the SST file (./Bin/sst test_001.in), although modified the calendar = 'gregorian' in the namelist file.

And I saw a few people sent emails to the RegCNET with regarding to the same error using GFDL SST, but no one response.  

Now I attach my namelist about the globdatparam as follows,



 ibdyfrq = 6,

 ssttyp = 'CN_RF',

 dattyp = 'CN_RF',

 gdate1 = 1980020100,

 gdate2 = 2005120100,

 calendar = 'gregorian',   

dirglob = '/public3/home/interior/careeri/huser003/JRCM/RegCM-4.3.4/Hexi/input',

 inpglob = '/public3/home/interior/careeri/huser003/DATA',


Can anyone tell me how to fix the problem? Any tips will be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Best wishes!

Xuejia Wang

======================create the SST file using CNRM-CM5 SST data=======================================================


 Calculating weights.... (will take long time)


 WRITEN OUT SST DATA : 1980-02-01 00:00:00 UTC        

 WRITEN OUT SST DATA : 1980-03-01 00:00:00 UTC        



 WRITEN OUT SST DATA : 1989-12-01 00:00:00 UTC        

 No such file or directory                                                      


 mod_sst_gnmnc.F90 :

      490:Error opening /public3/home/interior/careeri/huser003/DATA/SST/tos_Omo

 n_CNRM-CM5_historical_r1i1p1_198601-199012.nc:            2

abort: Fortran Abort Called


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