[RegCNET] RegCNET Digest, Vol 508, Issue 1

Doumbia Madina doumbiamadina at yahoo.fr
Tue Dec 8 20:40:14 CET 2015

Dear all Users, I done a test with a chem of regcm and in my output file, I have a opt outcomes with two variables aod and aext8. I would like to know how  this variables has been calculated. 
In model code source (regcm4.4.5), I found that the names of these variables are opt_aod_out and opt_aext8_out (resp.). Is somebody here who can help me to find in which module and subroutine variables opt_aod_out and opt_aext8_out are computed!
 Thanks in advance.
Best regards!

Madina Doumbia 
Etudiante en thèse  ****************************************
LAboratoire de Physique de l'Atmosphère et de Mécanique des Fluides (LAPA-MF)Université Félix Houphouët Boigny-Cocody (Côte d'Ivoire)
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    Le Mardi 1 décembre 2015 11h31, "regcnet-request at lists.ictp.it" <regcnet-request at lists.ictp.it> a écrit :


Today's Topics:

  1. precipitation flux/accumulated in BATS (Peter Huszar)


From: Peter Huszar <huszarpet at gmail.com>
Subject: [RegCNET] precipitation flux/accumulated in BATS

Dear RegCM users,

I am trying to figure out the content the lms%prcp variable, and those of
precip(i) = (ncpr0(i) + cpr0(i))*rtsrf (see in mod_bats_common.F90). I know
that in output, tpr has the unit of kg m-2 s-1, but I am not sure, weather
these internal variables in BATS are accumulated values (for time of srf
step or the model step?) or rain fluxes in kg m-2 s-1 (or mm s-1).

Thanks for clarification
Peter Huszar
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