[RegCNET] SW radiation in BATS

Peter Huszar huszarpet at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 12:41:30 CET 2015

Dear RegCM users,

i am trying to understand how the short wave radiation is treated in BATS
and I am bit lost in the naming convention:
as far as I understand it well
swd0(from lm%swdir) - SW direct downward radiation
swf0(from lm%swdif) - SW diffuse downward radiation
swsi (from lm%solar) - SW total downward radiation
swflx (from lm%rswf) - net downward SW radiation
however, printing out the values (from a certain subgrid point and time) in
mod_bats_bndry I have got values that makes me more wondering (in W/m2):
swsi = 372.30
swd0, swf0 = 426.24,    36.60 (sum is not swsi !)
swflx = 809.88 (the net SW radiation is much more than the incident one?)

Any clarification for this?I would be very appreciated.

Thanks a lot in advance
Peter Huszar
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