[RegCNET] SW radiation in BATS

Solmon Fabien fsolmon at ictp.it
Mon Nov 9 13:36:38 CET 2015

Hi  Peter!
To understand that you have to track back the different pointer
assignments from bats to the radiative routines ...
BATS  comments are sometimes very evasive , you need to check out the
calculation in the code.

swsi : is in fact the visible incident flux , so does not contain all
the energy spectra but just the visible band , it is interpreted as
photosythetically active radiation in bats I guess.

swd0/swf0 are the direct and diffuse for the : vis + uv band ( so
excluding the NIR band, again not the full spectrum of energy ) .. there
are used with the corresponding surface albedos that are separated in
uvvis and pir contributions. 

swflx should be the total net flux  you can track it ( through 5
different variable names ! ) to fsns in mod_rad-radiation ! BUT be
carefull, there was an important code modif ( maybe 6-8 month ago)  in
the final calculation of fsns (too long to explain but this perhaps
impact your test if you work with an old version ) !! I suggest you
compare you mod_rad_radiation to the current core or regm4.5. The later
should be fully consistent .
I also encourage you to check out also the RRTM option (  after last
bugfix) .


On 11/09/15 12:41, Peter Huszar wrote:
> Dear RegCM users,
> i am trying to understand how the short wave radiation is treated in
> BATS and I am bit lost in the naming convention:
> as far as I understand it well
> swd0(from lm%swdir) - SW direct downward radiation
> swf0(from lm%swdif) - SW diffuse downward radiation
> swsi (from lm%solar) - SW total downward radiation
> swflx (from lm%rswf) - net downward SW radiation
> however, printing out the values (from a certain subgrid point and
> time) in mod_bats_bndry I have got values that makes me more wondering
> (in W/m2):
> swsi = 372.30
> swd0, swf0 = 426.24,    36.60 (sum is not swsi !)
> swflx = 809.88 (the net SW radiation is much more than the incident one?)
> Any clarification for this?I would be very appreciated.
> Thanks a lot in advance
> Peter Huszar
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Fabien Solmon
Research Scientist
+39 040 2240206 (office) | Earth System Physics  
+39 040 2240449 (fax)    | ICTP (UNESCO-IAEA)  
esp.ictp.it              | Strada Costiera 11  
                         | 34014 Trieste, Italy

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