[RegCNET] Unit of Soil Moisture content in RegCM

Thanh Huyền thanhhuyenlth at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 04:38:32 CEST 2015

Dear All,

I got a problem when running a simulation of updating soil moisture.
According to the SRF file in output folder when I used version  RegCM, the total Soil Moisture content is defined by kg m-2 while it is
kg/kg when RegCM4.2 is applied.

Because I need to compare these two versions for running soil moisture and
give the differences between them, I would be pleased if anyone can help me
to find out this issue.

Thank you very much.


Thanh Huyen

Lương Thị Thanh Huyền
K55 - Faculty of Meteorology - Hydrology - Oceanography
Ha Noi University of Science - Vietnam National University
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