[RegCNET] problem visualising CLM4.5 output file using ncl

Samy Rateb ratebsamy at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 11 10:56:20 CET 2015

Dear ggiulian,

I would like to ask u question. There was a problem in visualising CLM4.5 output file using grads as mentioned in the user guide, So i found a solution for this problem and worked perfectly with grads
./bin/clm45_1dto2dNETCDF4_HDF5_CLM45    clm4.5file.nc
cdo griddes clm4.5file_2d.nc > grid.txt
cdo setgrid,grid.txt clm4.5file_2d.nc clm4.5file_2d_1.nc
./bin/GrADSNcPrepareNETCDF4_HDF5_CLM45 clm4.5file_2d_1.nc input/AFRICA_DOMAIN000.nc 

but in order to open it with ncl the file of clm4.5 must have xlat and xlon variables, so i try to the following steps:
in grid.txt i changed generic by latlon grid type and add specification of this grid, then
cdo setgrid,grid.txt clm4.5file_2d_1.nc clm4.5file_2d_2.nc cdo setgridtype,curvilinear clm4.5file_2d_2.nc clm4.5file_2d_3.nc

then put the file in convert_CRU_regcm_grid.ncl script to convert lat and lon to xlat and xlon, but an error occured,
Copyright (C) 1995-2012 - All Rights Reserved
 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
 NCAR Command Language Version 6.1.0
 The use of this software is governed by a License Agreement.
 See http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/ for more details.
(0)    Reading groundtemp from 536208 to 539088
warning:Argument 0 of the current function or procedure was coerced to the appropriate type and thus will not change if the function or procedure modifies its value
(0)    Re-gridding tg
fatal:Number of dimensions in parameter (0) of (rgrid2rcm) is (2), (1) dimensions were expected 
fatal:["Execute.c":7743]:Execute: Error occurred at or near line 90 in file convert_CRU_regcm_grid.ncl

By the way i selected one variable ground temperature (tg) for 5 months from 20110501 till 20110601
Can u advice me?
Best Regards



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