;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ; ; This file is part of ICTP RegCM. ; ; ICTP RegCM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; ICTP RegCM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with ICTP RegCM. If not, see . ; ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ;************************************************** ;************ Load necessary ncl code ************* ;************************************************** load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_code.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/gsn_csm.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/contributed.ncl" load "$NCARG_ROOT/lib/ncarg/nclscripts/csm/shea_util.ncl" begin ;User-defined vars ;Open the regcm header, where we'll grab lat2d and lon2d fho = addfile("/home/samy/RegCM-","r") ;Open the CRU Temperature data file f1 = addfile("/home/samy/RegCM-","r") ;Open the CRU Precip data file ;f2 = addfile(cruprefilename,"r") ;Grab lat2d and lon2d lat2df = fho->xlat(:,:) lon2df = fho->xlon(:,:) ;Get the number of latitudes and longitudes dvar = dimsizes(lat2df) nlatf = dvar(0) nlonf = dvar(1) ;remove the border points, since the RCM output files ;do the same lat2d = lat2df(1:nlatf-3,1:nlonf-3) lon2d = lon2df(1:nlatf-3,1:nlonf-3) nlat = nlatf-3 nlon = nlonf-3 ;read the CRU lat, lon, and time lat_cru = f1->lat lon_cru = f1->lon time_cru = f1->time ;Find the start and end times ;uttime = ut_calendar(time_cru,-1) istart = 0 ;ind(uttime.eq.istartdate) iend = 4 ;ind(uttime.eq.ienddate) ;if(ismissing(istart).or.ismissing(iend))then ; print("Error: couldn't find corresponding start and end dates in CRU file. Abort.") ;return ;end if ntime = dimsizes(time_cru(istart:iend)) print("Reading groundtemp from " + time_cru(istart) + " to " + time_cru(iend)) ;Read in the CRU data and give it proper units v1_tg = f1->tg(istart:iend,:,:) ;v1_tg = doubletofloat(f1->tg(istart:iend,:,:)) v1_tg = v1_tg + 273.15 v1_tg@units = "K" ;Remove the CRU file sitting in this directory sCRUFileName ="cru." + istart + "_" + iend + ".nc" system("/bin/rm -f "+ sCRUFileName) ;Open the CRU file for outputting the re-gridded CRU data fout = addfile(sCRUFileName,"c") ;Regrid the CRU temperature to the RCM grid print("Re-gridding tg") ;printVarSummary(tmp) tg_regrid = rgrid2rcm(lat_cru,lon_cru,v1_tg,lat2df,lon2df,1) tg = new((/ntime,1,nlat,nlon/),float) printVarSummary(tg) printVarSummary(tg_regrid) tg(:,:,:) = tg_regrid ;printVarSummary(tmp) ;(:,0,:,:) = ta_regrid ;Give ta the RCM coordinates tg!0 = "time" ;tmp!1 = "K" ;tg!1 = "iy" tg!1 = "iy" tg!2 = "jx" ;tg&time = v1_tg&time ;ta&m2 = 2 tg&iy = lat2d&iy tg&jx = lat2d&jx tg@_FillValue = v1_tg@_FillValue tg@_FillValue = 1e-30 tg@missing_value = tg@_FillValue ;printVarSummary(clt) ;Write out ta print("Writing tg") fout->tg = tg ;Read in the CRU precip data ;print("Reading pr (TPR) from " + time_cru(istart) + " to " + time_cru(iend)) ;v2_PRE = short2flt(f2->PRE(istart:iend,:,:)) ;Regrid the CRU precip data to the RCM grid ;print("Re-gridding pr") ;pr_regrid = rgrid2rcm(lat_cru,lon_cru,v2_PRE,lat2d,lon2d,1) ;pr = new((/ntime,nlat,nlon/),float) ;pr(:,:,:) = pr_regrid ;Give it the RCM coordinates ;pr!0 = "time" ;pr!1 = "iy" ;pr!2 = "jx" ;pr&time = v2_PRE&time ;pr&iy = lat2d&iy ;pr&jx = lat2d&jx ;pr@_FillValue = v2_PRE@_FillValue ;pr@_FillValue = 1e-30 ;pr@missing_value = pr@_FillValue ;Output the precip data ;print("Writing pr") ;fout->pr = pr(:,:,:) end