[RegCNET] Re: SURFACE problem

suxingtao at sina.com suxingtao at sina.com
Wed May 18 07:18:32 CEST 2011

Dear all,
The problem has been resolved. Thank you very much.

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发件人:suxingtao at sina.com
收件人:RegCM讨论区 <regcnet at lists.ictp.it>
主题:[RegCNET] SURFACE problem
日期:2011-5-18 12:05:51

Dear all,
I am sorry to take your time, but I encountered a SURFACE data problem when I run the new RegCM4.1 model. The problem occurs when I do this step: 
 ../Bin/terrain regcm.in
  This is Terrain part of RegCM package version 4 
   SVN Revision: 宸插鍑?compiled at: data : May 18 2011  time: 08:29:10
 : this run start at  : Wed May 18 08:50:11 2011
 : it is submitted by : root
 : it is running on   : localhost.localdomain
 : in directory       : /usr/RegCM-4.1/200604
 Doing Domain Setup with following parameters
 ntypec =           10
 iy     =           60
 jx     =          100
 ds     =    60.0000000000000     
 clat   =    40.0000000000000     
 clon   =    100.000000000000     
 iproj  = LAMCON
 Grid setup done
 Geo mapping done
 Calculated large extrema:
          MINLAT =    19.0000000000000     
          MAXLAT =    57.0000000000000     
          MINLON =    56.0000000000000     
          MAXLON =    145.000000000000     
 Determined Grid coordinate range
 Opening ./DATA/SURFACE/GTOPO_DEM_30s.nc
 NetCDF library error.
 No such file or directory 
Could you help me? I am grateful for any help.Thanks very much.
Xingtao Su
PLA University of Sci. and Tech.,Nanjing,China _______________________________________________
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