[RegCNET] Release of RegCM4.1

GIORGI FILIPPO giorgi at ictp.it
Wed May 18 15:09:04 CEST 2011

Dear RegCNETers

at long last, after much work, I can announce that an official upgrade of
RegCM4, RegCM4.1, is available from the ICTP web site.

Compared to RegCM4.0, RegCM4.1 has the following upgrades:

-Tropical band option officially enabled and documented

-General bug fixing/cleaning in preprocessing/main model/postprocessing

-Lake Model working again

-netcdf format for all I/O operations (support for data compression added
but producing substantial model slowdown)

-Further cleaning of the code and near full migration to f95

-Improved documentation:
	- new user guide available at


         - improved reference manual:


The code is available on eforge platform as tar.gz file here:


A few tips for your information:

As usual, although you can download a default version, you may have to
test and optimize the model for your specific application. In the user
documentation you can find some tips on how to do that.

As usual, although we did extensive tests over different CORDEX domains,
it is possible that some bugs/problems are still there. Please let me know
if you find or experience any problems and we will fix them as quickly as

A RegCM4 paper is in revision process as part of the Climate Research
special issue. As soon as it is accepted, I will circulate it so that you
can have a reference to cite for RegCM4. The special issue itself is
proceeding, and I still have slim hopes it will appear in 2011.

In terms of the near future, we do plan to release a further version
(RegCM4.2) by the end of the year or early next year. This version
hopefully will include:

UW PBL implemented by T. O'Brien
Tiedtke convection scheme implemented by A. Tompkins and G. Giuliani
Coupled ocean model ROMS implemented by U. Turungoclu
Chemistry implemented by A. Shalaby, A. Zakey and F. Solmon
Option for output in CORDEX specification format

happy RegCM4.1-ing,    Filippo Giorgi

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