[RegCNET] Call for Papers: EGU 2010 SESSION AS3.18 : (Vienna, Austria)

Zakey Ashraf_Saber azakey at ictp.it
Thu Oct 29 08:36:12 CET 2009

Hello everyone.

    This year EGU General Assembly 2010 (EGU2010), 02 May 2010 - 07 May
2010, Vienna, Austria hosted our first activity 'Physical and chemical
properties of atmospheric Aerosols over arid and semi-arid region'.
The web-link to our session for this activity is

Atmospheric aerosol produce a significant influence on the Earth radiative
budget, through scattering and absorption of radiation (direct forcing),
and by influencing the cloud nucleation processes and the cloud
microphysical properties (indirect forcing). Tropospheric aerosols are
among the most uncertain elements in the estimation of the planetary
radiative budget because of the high variability of their characteristics
and the complex phenomena in which they are involved. Some aerosol types,
like sulphates (and in particular stratospheric particles after major
volcanic eruptions), scatter a significant fraction of the solar
radiation, producing an increase of the planetary albedo and a cooling of
the lower atmosphere. On the other hand, strongly absorbing particles,
like carbonaceous aerosol and dust, in particular conditions of production
and distribution, may induce warming effects on the atmosphere.

This session invites presentations on all aspects of Aerosols physics,
chemistry and dynamics in arid and semi-arid region. The main objective of
this session is to illustrate the distribution, chemical composition, and
flux of aerosols over arid and semi-arid region. In this session special
emphasis will be given on the interaction between chemical composition and
the dynamical structure of aerosols in arid and semi-arid regions.

This includes contributions focusing on

1- Chemistry of aerosols over a arid and semi-arid region
2- Aerosol characterization in a arid and semi-arid region
3- Aerosol parameterization of cloud microphysics in a arid and semi-arid
4- Aerosol dynamics in a arid and semi-arid region
5- Aerosol radiation interactions in in a arid and semi-arid region
6- Long-term variability and trends of Aerosols chemistry and dynamics.

 We are very glad to  announce the start of the Abstract submission for
our session.  You are cordially invited to browse through the Sessions
AS3.18 and submit your abstract.

 Thank you for considering contributing to the success of session AS3.18
 with your presentation. Please inform also all your colleagues about
 this session.

With my best wishes,

! Dr. Ashraf Zakey, Visiting Research Scientist               !
! Earth System Physics (ESP)                                  !
! Physics of Weather and Climate Section (PWC)                !
! The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics!
! P.O. BOX 586, (Strada Costiera 11 for courier mail)         !
! 34100 Trieste, ITALY                                        !
! Phone: + 39 040 2240 385                                    !
! Fax:   + 39 040  2240 449 (or + 39 040 224 163)             !
! e-mail: azakey at ictp.it                                      !

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