Joint CMSP-HECAP Seminar by M. Dalmonte and J. Ingoldby, 25 March, 11:00 & 14:00
CMSP Seminars Secretariat
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Mon Mar 10 09:08:16 CET 2025
Dear All,
You are cordially invited to the Joint CMSP-HECAP Seminar by M. Dalmonte
and J. Ingoldby on *Tuesday 25 March*, *at 11:00 and 14:00**hrs, Luigi
Stasi Seminar Room (ICTP Leonardo Building, first floor).
*11:00hrs: part 1 by Marcello Dalmonte (ICTP)*
*Title:* Quantum simulating lattice gauge theories: ‘particle physics’
with Rydberg atom arrays
*Abstract: *Gauge theories are the back-bone of our understanding of
nature at the most fundamental level as captured by the standard model.
Despite their elegance and conceptual simplicity, gauge theories have
historically represented a major computational challenge in many-body
theory - including, for instance, the real-time dynamics describing
heavy-ion collisions at colliders, which is inaccessible to classical
simulations based on Monte Carlo sampling. These challenges have
motivated a flurry of theoretical activity over the last ten years,
devoted at developing strategies for the quantum simulation of their
discretized version - lattice gauge theories.
In this first part of the talk, I will review the status of the field,
highlighting potential applications as well as roadblocks, and
discussing the first realization of gauge theory dynamics in a trapped
ion quantum computer.
In the second part of the talk, I will show how Rydberg atoms trapped in
optical tweezers offer unprecedented opportunities for the realization
of lattice gauge theories in AMO systems. In particular, I will describe
how recent experiments have already realized the real-time dynamics of
the lattice Schwinger model (the one-dimensional version of quantum
electrodynamics) in the presence of a topological angle, at system sizes
at the boundaries of what is achievable with the best known classical
Finally, I will do a 180 degree turn, and show how
experimentally-realistic Abelian and non-Abelian lattice gauge theories
provide unheralded insights on the breakdown of thermalization in
strongly interacting quantum systems.
*Indico webpage: * *Zoom registration
link: **
* <>
- - -
*14:00hrs: part 2 by James Ingoldby (Durham University)*
*Title:* Hamiltonian Truncation in the NISQ Era
*Abstract: *Quantum computers can simulate highly entangled quantum
systems efficiently, enabling the exploration of dynamical processes in
Quantum Field Theories (QFTs), which would otherwise be impossible using
classical techniques. In this talk, I describe an alternative approach
to traditional methods for simulating the real-time evolution in QFTs,
employing Hamiltonian truncation (HT). Our approach is validated by
simulating the evolution of the vacuum state of the Schwinger Model
following a quench, and by preparing scattering states in scalar phi4
theory. I present results obtained using both superconducting transmon
and trapped ion hardware, and comment on promising future applications.
*Indico webpage: * *Zoom registration
link: * (Meeting
ID: 963 9068 4701; Passcode: 791967*)
You are all most welcome to attend!
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