Reminder - High Energy Physics Seminars TOMORROW (Notari)

HECAP - Margherita Di Giovannantonio hecap at
Wed Feb 21 14:13:43 CET 2024


*Thursday, 22 February* 2024, at *16:00*  - *LUIGI STASI SEMINAR ROOM/



Alessio Notari (University of Barcelona and Galileo Galilei Institute 
for Theoretical Physics)

*“Gravitational Waves and Primordial Black Holes from Domain Walls: 
Implications for PTA and Dark Matter ”*


Unstable domain wall (DW) networks in the early universe can emit a 
large amount of gravitational waves (GW) before annihilating. In the 
context of the recent GW signal reported by Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTA) 
collaborations, I will explore them as a possible interpretation. Next, 
I will address a crucial question: do unstable Domain Wall networks also 
lead to significant production of Primordial Black Holes (PBH)? I will 
then present two main consequences. Firstly, I will assess the 
compatibility of the DW interpretation of the PTA signal with 
observational constraints on PBHs. Secondly, I will consider the 
possibility that Dark Matter can be entirely in the form of 
asteroid-mass PBHs, resulting from the DW collapse. In this case, I will 
demonstrate that observable GW signals should be detectable at 
interferometers (such as LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA and future instruments like 
LISA and Einstein Telescope).

This is a hybrid event. *To join via Zoom*:

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 922 5327 1346

Password: 170232

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