SISSA/IGAP algebraic geometry seminars, 3rd series

Alessandro Nobile anobile at
Sun Apr 25 20:23:23 CEST 2021

Dear all,
    this is to announce the next SISSA/IGAP algebraic geometry seminar.

SPEAKER:    Umar Shahzad - SISSA

TITLE:         Ricci-flat metrics on the canonical bundles.

WHEN:        Thursday, April 29 at 4.30pm (Rome)

WHERE:      Link Zoom:
                  ID riunione:     841 9248 5972
                  Passcode:        845100

ABSTRACT: In many cases, a crepant resolution of $\mathbb{C}^3/G$, where
$G$ is a finite subgroup of  $SL(3,\mathbb{C})$, happens to be the total
space of the canonical bundle over a Kahler manifold of complex
dimension $2$. Since any such crepant resolution is a noncompact
Calabi-Yau, there is a natural question of constructing a Ricci-flat
metric on it. The existence of such metrics was proven by Joyce. In this
talk, I will show how to construct a Ricci-flat metric when a crepant
resolution is a space $X=tot(K_{M})$, where $K_{M}$ is the canonical
bundle over a 2-dimensional Kahler manifold $M$. 

Best regards,
Andrea, Alessandro and Michele

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