REMINDER: SISSA/IGAP algebraic geometry seminars, 3rd series

Alessandro Nobile anobile at
Wed Apr 21 10:53:05 CEST 2021

Dear all,
    this is to remind the next SISSA/IGAP algebraic geometry seminar.

SPEAKER:    Michele Graffeo - SISSA

TITLE:         Crepant resolutions of symplectic quotient singularities
as moduli spaces of constellations.

WHEN:        Thursday, April 22 at 4.30pm (Rome)

WHERE:      Link Zoom: 
                  ID riunione:          862 9233 3052
                  Passcode:             327926

ABSTRACT: It is a well known fact that, given a finite subgroup G <
SL(n,C) (n=2,3) there exists a crepant resolution of the singularity
C^n/G which parametrizes "scheme theoretic orbits of the G action".
In the seminar I will start by explaining the above sentence and then I
will show how G-constellations help to fit the above statement in a more
general context.
The key words of this seminar are:
1. Group theory
2. Resolution of singularities & birational transformations
3. Combinatorics
4. Commutative algebra
5. Stability conditions (following King)
6. Many many examples. 

Best regards,
Andrea, Alessandro and Michele
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