"What's new" lunches

Antonio Celani acelani at ictp.it
Mon Nov 7 10:39:23 CET 2016

Dear Everyone,

we are launching a new recurrent event in our group, called
"What's new" lunches

Where: Markov's lounge aka Common Area
When: Once a week at 12:30, usually on monday
What: Bring your own lunch, share it if you will, munch and discuss about
what's new in physics/biology/computer-science/economics and
science/technology in general. It must be exciting!
Who: Each time one of us, from faculty to master students, chooses a
subject for discussion and acts as a moderator by introducing the theme and
spurring the debate.
Why: Do you really need to ask ?

Calendar for November

14/11  Antonio: *What is ecopoiesis? And terraforming? Or, are we really
going to colonize Mars anytime soon?*

21/11  Antonio:  *What are Gigafactories ? Have Tesla and Elon Musk found
the way to save the world?*

28/11 Matteo: *Elections, referendums and collective phenomena *

Don't miss out !
Antonio and Matteo

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