Quantum Seminars @ DF-TS - Mar 24th-31st 4.30 pm - F. Benatti - Complete positivity

Rosita Glavina Rosita.Glavina at ts.infn.it
Tue Mar 18 12:13:32 CET 2014





On behalf of prof. Ennio Gozzi, we are pleased to announce the following
seminars series:

Venue: ICTP Stasi Seminar Room.

Fabio Benatti (Physics Dept., University if Trieste)

March 24th - 4.30 pm
Complete positivity and entanglement in quantum mechanics

Complete positivity represents the only way to prevent the emergence of
negative probabilities during the time-evolution of entangled states
of composite systems of which one is an open quantum system.
The seminar will treat this issue by means of two level systems.

March 31st - 4.30 pm
Complete positivity and the second law of thermodynamics

We discuss complete positivity from the point of view of the
thermodynamic behavior of an open quantum microcircuit with periodic driving.
We show that absence of complete positivity in its dynamics leads
to repeated violations of the second law of thermodynamics.

The calendar of seminars taking place at the Physics Department is
available at http://df.units.it/

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