SEM change of date

Ludwik Dabrowski dabrow at
Wed Dec 14 08:46:56 CET 2011

Prof. A. Sitarz (U.J. Krakow)

"On modular Fredholm modules and twisted cocycles"

Friday 16 Dec. 10:00, room 136, SISSA

Connes and Cuntz proved that all cyclic cocycles have a geometric 
interpretation as characters of finitely summable Fredholm modules.
An analogous result can be obtained in twisted cyclic cohomology
using Chern characters of modular Fredholm modules.
General case is illustrated by examples of modular Fredholm modules 
arising from Podles spheres and from SUq(2).
The talk is based on joint work with Adam Rennie and Makoto Yamashita.

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