
Wed Feb 14 10:04:24 CET 2007

Air quality assessment and Management in Europe: implications for modelling activity

by Dott. M. Cirillo, APAT <> , Rome, Italy

To be held on Feb. 23 (Thursday) at 14.30 at Lecture Room C, Terrace level, MB, ICTP, Trieste 


In Europe Air pollution has long been recognized as posing a significant risk to human health and the environment. In 1996 the Air Quality Framework Directive was adopted which established a Community framework for the assessment and management of ambient air quality in the EU. The Framework Directive also provided a list of priority pollutants for which air quality objectives would be established in daughter legislation. There have subsequently been four daughter directives in respect of particular pollutants and a Council Decision to bring about the reciprocal exchange of air quality monitoring information.
The seminar deals with the legislative framework for the assessment and management of air quality in Europe, including the proposal for a new Directive on ambient air quality and cleaner air. 
With reference to the Italian situation the evolution of driving forces (especially energy consumption), pressures (atmospheric emissions) and air pollutant concentrations is illustrated. Air quality is analysed in connection with current and future European air quality limit values. 
Finally, some considerations with specific reference to the implications for air quality modelling activities are developed. 



Vincenzo Armenio, Ph.D

Associate Professor of Environmental Hydraulics <> 

chair of the Ph.D Program in Environmental Fluid Mechanics <> 

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile ed Ambientale, Università di Trieste,

Piazzale Europa 1,

34127 Trieste, Italy

tel +39-040-558 3472

fax +39-040-572082

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