[RegCNET] RegCM4.5 dust
wang_caiyu at 163.com
Tue Jan 2 12:28:26 CET 2018
Happy New Year to you!
I ran RegCM4.5 with dust model and I got the output files.
But, I don't understand the variables of CHE files. Could you please send me a file that helps me understand the variables?
The variables are followings:
float wdrflx ( time, iy, jx )
long_name :Wet deposition flux due to rainout
standard_name :wet_deposition_flux_from_rainout
units :mg m-2 day-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: mean
float wdwflx ( time, iy, jx )
long_name :Wet deposition flux due to washout
standard_name :wet_deposition_flux_from_washout
units :mg m-2 day-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: mean
float ddflx ( time, iy, jx )
long_name :Dry deposition flux
standard_name :dry_deposition_flux
units :mg m-2 day-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: mean
float emflx ( time, iy, jx )
long_name :Surface emission flux
standard_name :surface_emission_flux
units :mg m-2 day-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: mean
float ddvel ( time, iy, jx )
long_name :Dry deposition velocity
standard_name :dry_deposition_velocity
units :m s-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: mean
float burden ( time, iy, jx )
long_name :Tracer total burden
standard_name :tracer_burden
units :mg m-2
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: mean
float emiten ( time, iy, jx )
long_name :Tendency of tracer due to emission
standard_name :tendency_of_mixing_ratio_due_to_emission
units :kg kg-1 s-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: point
float mixrat ( time, kz, iy, jx )
long_name :Atmosphere tracer mixing ratio
standard_name :atmosphere_mixing_ratio_of_tracer
units :1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: point
float cheten ( time, kz, iy, jx )
long_name :Tendency of tracer due to chemical reactions
standard_name :tendency_of_mixing_ratio_due_to_chemical_prod_loss
units :kg kg-1 s-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: point
float advhten ( time, kz, iy, jx )
long_name :Tendency of tracer due to horizontal advection
standard_name :tendency_of_mixing_ratio_due_to_horizontal_advection
units :kg kg-1 s-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: point
float advvten ( time, kz, iy, jx )
long_name :Tendency of tracer due to vertical advection
standard_name :tendency_of_mixing_ratio_due_to_vertical_advection
units :kg kg-1 s-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: point
float difhten ( time, kz, iy, jx )
long_name :Tendency of tracer due to diffusion
standard_name :tendency_of_mixing_ratio_due_to_diffusion
units :kg kg-1 s-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: point
float cuten ( time, kz, iy, jx )
long_name :Tendency of tracer due to convective transport
standard_name :tendency_of_mixing_ratio_due_to_convective_transport
units :kg kg-1 s-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: point
float tuten ( time, kz, iy, jx )
long_name :Tendency of tracer due to vertical turbolence
standard_name :tendency_of_mixing_ratio_due_to_vertical_turbolence
units :kg kg-1 s-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: point
float raiten ( time, kz, iy, jx )
long_name :Tendency of tracer due to total rainout
standard_name :tendency_of_mixing_ratio_due_to_total_rainout
units :kg kg-1 s-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: point
float wasten ( time, kz, iy, jx )
long_name :Tendency of tracer due to total washout
standard_name :tendency_of_mixing_ratio_due_to_total_washout
units :kg kg-1 s-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: point
float bdyten ( time, kz, iy, jx )
long_name :Tendency of tracer due to boundary conditions
standard_name :tendency_of_mixing_ratio_due_to_boundary_conditions
units :kg kg-1 s-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: point
float sedten ( time, kz, iy, jx )
long_name :Tendency of tracer due to sedimentation
standard_name :tendency_of_mixing_ratio_due_to_sedimentation
units :kg kg-1 s-1
coordinates :xlat xlon
grid_mapping :crs
cell_methods :time: point
float time ( time )
long_name :time
standard_name :time
units :hours since 1949-12-01 00:00:00 UTC
calendar :gregorian
bounds :time_bnds
float time_bnds ( time, time_bounds )
units :hours since 1949-12-01 00:00:00 UTC
calendar :gregorian
character crs ( ncl_scalar )
proj4_params :+proj=omerc +lat_0=12.00 +alpha=90.0 +lonc=8.00 +x_0=-30000. +y_0=-30000. +ellps=sphere +a=6371229. +b=6371229. +units=m +no_defs
grid_mapping_name :rotated_mercator
latitude_of_projection_origin : 12
longitude_of_projection_origin : 8
scale_factor_at_projection_origin : 1
semi_major_axis :6371229
inverse_flattening : 0
false_easting :-30000
false_northing :-30000
_CoordinateTransformType :Projection
_CoordinateAxisTypes :GeoX GeoY
Best regards
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