[RegCNET] join the RegCNET

Anna Kis kisanna0610 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 14 10:03:47 CET 2017


If it is possible, I would like to join the RegCNET, because I work with
RegCM4 outputs, and I have the following problem:

We have ran RegCM4 at the Dept. of Meteorology, Eötvös Loránd University.
The model version is RegCM-4.3-rc15_cordex_noirrigation
(RegCM-4.3-rc15_cordex_noirrigation_bf_ha.tar.gz - that is what we

Now I work with SRF files and I have found negative Total
evapotranspiration (evp) values. I was wondering if you could tell me, how
should I interpret these negative values? Furthermore, the unit is
"kgm-2day-1" and the time step is 6 hours - so if I would like to get an
evapotranspiration value for 1 day, should I divide by 4 the values and
then make a daily sum?

I hope someone can help me to deal this problem.

Thank you in advance:
Anna Kis
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