[RegCNET] Bug fix

Graziano Giuliani ggiulian at ictp.it
Wed Oct 21 14:34:27 CEST 2015

Dear regcnetters,

the just released bug fixing release will require the average
user to make a namelist change:

* To better integrate with the MITgcm through RegESM, it was needed to
have a SAV file frequency of 30 days, and to support this, we have
changed the behaviour of the model upon changing savfrq value in the
outparam namelist in the namelist file.

- and early : whatever number is specified, you will have a SAV
file at the end of the month, and savfrq was used to have SAVTMP files
during the run, which were removed upon reaching a new end of the month
or run end. Was common to have savfrq set to a very large number to not
bother having SAVTMP files at all.

- and later : savfrq is the effective number of hours between
SAV file creation. NO SAVTMP FILE IS CREATED, all created SAV files are
kept. To get back the "SAV file at the end of the month", a savfrq value
of 0.0 must be set in the namelist file:

 ifsave  = .true. ,
 savfrq  =  0.0,     <- SAV file at the end of the month

Most important bug fixings:

- Fix for the RRTM radiation scheme IRRTM = 1. The water vapour volume
mixing ratio fed to the RRTM was incorrect, thus generating a much
larger LW cooling and lower surface temperatures.

- Fix the new micro-physics IPPTLS = 2 for ice phase and very low
atmospheric temperatures.

- Fix an error in SUB-BATS on removing large unbalances in surface
moisture. This was preventing SUB-BATS from generating correct results.
SUB-CLM45 was working correctly.


Graziano Giuliani - Earth System Physics Section
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera 11 - I - 34151 Trieste Italy

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