[RegCNET] Advection problem in WE direction

Ajay Parottil ajayparottil666 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 9 09:20:20 CEST 2015

Dear RegCM users,
                             I am using the RegCM 4.5 version for a
chemistry run for four years with one month of spin up time. Model ran
perfectly for 5 months and then simulation stopped with following error.

SL Advection problem in WE direction !
 Cannot compute DP at J =          144
                      I =           87
FATAL CALLED ---------------
  Fatal in file: mod_sladvection.F90 at line:      140
When i checked the above file i got the reason for error as
if ( abs(xnp) >= 3 ) then
            write(stderr,*) 'SL Advection problem in WE direction !'
Kindly explain and help me in rectifying the error.


*with regards,*

*                    AJAY.P*
*                    JRF, ISRO GBP ARFI*
*                    Centre for Atmospheric Studies

*                    Dibrugarh University
*                    Dibrugarh-786004,Assam *
*                    India*
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