‖左岸右轉‖ 675599868 at qq.com
Fri Jul 17 07:22:03 CEST 2015

Dear all, I am trying to run RegCM4.4.5.5 with CLM45. I successfully got the output of CLM45, and I have used clm45_1dto2d to process the results and got the  _2d.nc file, but when I use GrADSNcPrepare to get the .ctl file it stops abruptly and giving the following error massage.Now the results can't use in GrADS.  NetCDF: Attribute not found                                                         GrADSNcPrepare.F90 :      259:Error read attribute projection:          -43 abort: Fortran Abort Called Any suggestions please,can you tell me how to use GrADSNcPrepare successfully? I use cdo to process.Thanks in advance --  yue Zhang Nanjing University of Information Science&TechnologyPhone:15295736686
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