[RegCNET] RegCM- w/ CLM4.5 - error: ..requires CROP model active

mcwoz mcwoz at umich.edu
Tue Jun 30 20:34:49 CEST 2015

Hello fellow users,

I have tried to perform a simple test run (test_001.in) with CLM4.5 active using the PFT file  pft-physiology.c130503.  It returns an error instructing that I must have CROP model active. How do I turn on the crop model?

CLM output from run shown below:

CLM version: 4.5 - RegCM tag
 Attempting to initialize the land model .....
 Mask given by RegCM model has a total of          1150  land points
 Attempting to initialize run control settings .....
 Read in clm_inparm namelist from: test_001.in
 Read in clm_hydrology1_inparm namelist
 Read in clm_soilhydrology_inparm namelist
 Successfully initialized run control settings
 define run:
    source                = Community Land Model CLM4.5
    model_version         = tag
    run type              = initial
    case title            = RegCM driven CLM4.5
    username              = mcwoz
    hostname              = flux-login2.engin.umich.edu
 input data files:
    PFT physiology = 
    surface data   = input//test_001_CLM45_surface.nc
    land frac data = input//test_001_DOMAIN000.nc
    enable_megan_emission                                 :   F
    enable_urban_landunit                                 :   T
    enable_more_crop_pft                                  :   F
    SNICAR optical = 
    SNICAR aging = 
    initial data is from RegCM atm model
    atmospheric forcing data is from RegCM atm model
 Large file support for output files is ON
 model physics parameters:
    flag for random perturbation test is not set
    CO2 volume mixing ratio   (umol/mol)   =     355.0000000000000     
    land albedos  (unitless 0-1)   =    0.8000000000000000     
    ice albedos   (unitless 0-1)   =    0.5500000000000000     
    urban air conditioning/heating and wasteheat   = OFF             
    urban traffic flux   =   F
    more vertical layers =   F
    maxpatch_pft         =            17
    allocate_all_vegpfts =   T
    perchroot (PWS based on unfrozen layers only) =   F
    perchroot (PWS based on time-integrated active layer only) =   F
 Lake Model Namelists:
 Hostetler eddy increase low    :     25.00000000000000     
 Hostetler eddy increase factor :     10.00000000000000     
 Albedo melting lakes (visible) :   0.1000000000000000     
 Albedo melting lakes (NIR)     :   0.1000000000000000     
 Attempting to read ldomain from input//test_001_DOMAIN000.nc
   domain_check set       = domain_set
   domain_check decomped  =   T
   domain_check ns        =          1891
   domain_check ni,nj     =            61           31
   domain_check clmlevel  = gridcell
   domain_check nbeg,nend =             1          143
   domain_check lonc      =    -8.093832015991211      
   domain_check latc      =     35.06628799438477      
   domain_check mask      =             1            1
   domain_check frac      =     100.0000000000000      
   domain_check topo      =     0.000000000000000      
   domain_check area      =     3600.000000000000      
   domain_check pftm      =             1            1
  Reading in urban input data from surface data file ...
  UrbanInput : input//test_001_CLM45_surface.nc
  Sucessfully read urban input data
 Attempting to read PFT physiological data .....
 Successfully read PFT physiological data
 Attempting to read surface boundary data .....
 Checked LAT/LON compliance
 wtxy(nl,nc3irrig+1) =    6.2500000000000000E-002
 -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
  Fatal in file: mod_clm_surfrd.F90 at line:      654
 surfrd_wtxy_veg_all ERROR surfrdMod: irrigated crop PFT requires CROP model active.
 mod_clm_surfrd.F90 :      654:             1
 Abort called by computing node             0 at 2015-06-30 14:00:45.664 -0400

Your help will be appreciated!

Thank you,


Matthew Wozniak
Ph.D. Pre-candidate
Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences
University of Michigan

Personal: https://sites.google.com/a/umich.edu/matthew-wozniak/ <https://sites.google.com/a/umich.edu/matthew-wozniak/>
Group: http://aoss-research.engin.umich.edu/faculty/steiner/ <http://aoss-research.engin.umich.edu/faculty/steiner/>
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