[RegCNET] emcre_grid product not working with interp_emission

Athanasios Tsikerdekis atsikerdekis at gmail.com
Wed May 6 01:43:07 CEST 2015

Hello James,

I just did a test with the file you have attached. I only had to change 
the dates and the sst global BC because I use other datasets.
>  ssttyp = 'ERSST',
>  dattyp = 'EIN15',
>  chemtyp = 'MZCLM',
Other than that I did not change anything and it created all the input 
files normally. I am using RegCM-4.5 and the interp_emissions script 
uses IASA emissions. If you are using a different version you can change 
that by modifying the inter_emission script.

So to sum up I believe your script is fine, probably there is a problem 
with the global datasets you are using or with the netcdf libraries (not 
sure about that).

Let me know if I can help with something else ;)

Best wishes,

On 05/05/2015 06:46 AM, James Ciarlo` wrote:
> Dear RegCNETers,
> I am trying to run RegCM with CBMZ and am currently trying to get 
> through the preprocessing, however, I am having problems with the 
> interp_emission command.
> I am getting the following:
> [regcm at grid Workspace]$ ./bin/interp_emissions core_chem.in 
> <http://core_chem.in>
> cdo gencon: Started child process 
> "setgrid,/home/regcm/DATA/RCP_EMGLOB_PROCESSED/grids/CMIP5_grid.nc 
> /home/regcm/DATA/RCP_EMGLOB_PROCESSED/IIASA/HIST_ALD2.nc (pipe1.1)".
> Warning (define_all_grids) : Variable height has an unsupported grid, 
> skipped!
> cdo gencon: Map 1 weight < 0! grid1idx=180070 grid2idx=255 nlink=169 
> wts=-0.109107
> So basically all grids are skipped, so I checked the REGCM_grid.nc 
> produced from emcre_grid and I cannot open it (at least with 
> GrADSNCPlot and Prepare).
> getting the following;
>  NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name
>  GrADSNcPrepare.F90 :      169:Dimension x missing:    -46
> abort: Fortran Abort Called
> I am running out of ideas on how to solve this. Is this a problem with 
> my script (attached)?
> Regards,
> James
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