[RegCNET] Error in NNRP1 dataset

saeed bayat saeedbayat7276 at gmail.com
Fri Feb 20 00:59:17 CET 2015

Dear RegCM Developers
I am using RegCM-4.1.1 on ubuntu-14.10 with gfortran compiler(version 4.9).
I compiled netcdf(cxx,fortran,4.1.1 and 4.3.2), hdf5-1.8.14, zlib, mpich
and openmpi in /usr/local and everything is in its normal way. when I want
run model for 1997 using NNRP1 dataset, I got this error message:
​This is icbc part of the RegCM version 4
   SVN Revision:  compiled at: data : Feb 19 2015  time: 14:04:55

 : this run start at    : Sat Feb 21 03:19:56 2015
 : it is submitted by   : root
 : it is running on     : saeed
 : in directory         : /home/saeed/RCMsimulation

 GLOBIDATE1 :   1997030100
 GLOBIDATE2 :   1997040500
 NSTEPS     :          141
 Error opening /home/saeed/GLOBDAT//NNRP1/1997/air.1997.nc
 NetCDF: Unknown file format
I am facing this error about 1 month(I had installed ubuntu14.04 before)
and I change the version of OS with this hope that maybe I could get rid of
this error. Finally I decided to test other years and by testing several
years there were not any error while making icbc. So I think there is a
problem in air.1997.nc data. Could you please check your dataset and inform
me about this error?

Best Regards​

Abdolhalim Bayat
Ph.D Student of Synoptic Climatology
Tehran University of Iran
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