[RegCNET] HadGEM2 SST data

Samy Rateb ratebsamy at yahoo.com
Mon Feb 2 22:14:12 CET 2015

Dear RegCNET users,
I would like to ask for help about reading ICBC for HadGEM2, i put calendar = '360_day' in namelist and sst read successfully but for icbc step, an error occurred 

./bin/icbcCLM regcm.in 

  This is icbc part of the RegCM version 4
   SVN Revision: tag 4.4.5-SVN4765 compiled at: data : Dec 25 2014  time: 11:15:42

 : this run start at    : 2015-02-02 15:10:51+0200
 : it is submitted by   : samy
 : it is running on     : localhost.localdomain
 : in directory         : /home/samy/rcm4.4.5run
 GLOBIDATE1 : 2005-09-01 06:00:00 UTC         
 GLOBIDATE2 : 2005-12-01 00:00:00 UTC         
 NSTEPS     :          360
 No such file or directory                                                       
 mod_gn6hnc.F90 :      250:Error open /home/samy/RCMDATA/HadGEM2/RF/ta/ta_6hrLev_HadGEM2-ES_historical_r1i1p1_199012010600-199103010000.nc:            2

Backtrace for this error:
#0  0x7F3CF18F6037
#1  0x7F3CF18F76B6
#2  0x7F3CF19C05A8
#3  0x4505BA in myabort_
#4  0x477FD5 in __mod_nchelper_MOD_checkncerr.part.0 at mod_nchelper.F90:?
#5  0x446003 in __mod_gn6hnc_MOD_headgn6hnc
#6  0x4501F6 in MAIN__ at icbc.F90:?
Aborted (core dumped)

So should i modify the date in file mod_gn6hnc.F90 to new date 200509010600 till 200512010000 as written in namelist and type make for this modification or what??

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