[RegCNET] Fatal in file: mod_cloud_s1.F90 at line: 2323

Xander Wang xiuquan.wang at gmail.com
Tue Jan 27 17:38:57 CET 2015

Dear All,

I recently encounter a fatal error when running RegCM with mpirun:
mpirun -np 24 regcmMPI mynamelist.in

I got the following msg:
$$$  no. of points w/convection =    1426
SEARCH BC data for   1985121912
READY  BC from       1985121906  to   1985121912
SRF variables written at 1985-12-19 06:00:00 UTC
-------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
Fatal in file: mod_cloud_s1.F90 at line:     2323
Abort called by computing node           22 at 2015-01-26 23:22:04.802 -0600
application called MPI_Abort(comm=0x84000002, 1) - process 22

Does anyone have met the similar problem? How do you fix it?


All the best,
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