[RegCNET] CLM history file dimension question

Mark A. Snyder masnyder at ucsc.edu
Sat Mar 8 01:00:49 CET 2014


I was wondering why there is small difference between the number of lats and lons in the CLM history files output from RegCM4.3 compared to the other output files.  Below are portions of headers from the history file and a SRF file from one of my runs.  The second part of the question is how to plot the data in the CLM history files relative to other output?  Is there a common corner?


CLM file:
netcdf clmoutput.clm2.h0.2003-12-30-10800 {
	gridcell = 11566 ;
	landunit = 11688 ;
	column = 11688 ;
	pft = 19471 ;
	levsoi = 10 ;
	levlak = 10 ;
	numrad = 2 ;
	lon = 168 ;
	lat = 200 ;
	time = UNLIMITED ; // (1 currently)
	hist_interval = 2 ;
	string_length = 8 ;

SRF File:
netcdf WNA_SRF.1987020100 {
	jx = 165 ;
	iy = 197 ;
	kz = 18 ;
	time = UNLIMITED ; // (224 currently)
	m10 = 1 ;
	m2 = 1 ;
	soil_layer = 2 ;
	time_bounds = 2 ;

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