[RegCNET] Dust Deposition?

Mirkana Degenie mirkanag at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 9 22:41:11 CET 2013

Dear all

I recently added a new emission scheme for dust using a different size distribution, adding a fifth bin. But the results I found are quite unrealistic. I found more deposition than emission. So when I plot the accumulated net emission(Emission minus deposition) I found a negative value. To to be exact what I did was 
1. First averaged the dust emission for the whole domain. 
2. I did the same thing for deposition(summed all deposition: wet(wdrflx+wdwflx), and dry(ddflx)). 
3. Take the difference that is Emission(step 1)-Deposition(step 2)

No boudary conditions for dust used!

By the way I did a similar simulation with the already existing Kok emission(but a fifth bin is added though the emission in this fifth bin,which is beyond 20um is negligibly small, almost zero) and the result looks fine.I was wondering what is wrong with my result?
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