[RegCNET] Problem about the RegCM4.1 run with EH5RF sst !

Yulian 158054047 at qq.com
Fri Dec 23 07:23:26 CET 2011

Dear all,
      I want to run the RegCM4.1 with EH5RF sst, but when ./sst regcm.in,
 the problem is :
 "yul at node33:~/REGCM/RegCM-4.1/REGCM_RUN> ./sst regcm.in
   This is sst part of the RegCM version 4
   SVN Revision:  compiled at: data : Dec 23 2011  time: 03:52:01
  : this run start at    : Fri Dec 23 06:20:17 2011
 : it is submitted by   : yul
 : it is running on     : node33
 : in directory         : /public/keyan/yul/REGCM/RegCM-4.1/REGCM_RUN
 GLOBIDATE1 :    1990010100
 GLOBIDATE2 :    2000123118
 NSTEPS     :         16072
PGFIO-F-242/unformatted read/unit=11/illegal operation on direct access file.
 File name = /public/keyan/yul/REGCM/REGCM_GLOBEDAT/SST/SST_20C_3_1962010100_1993123118    unformatted, direct access   record = 0
 In source file mod_sst_eh5om.f90, at line number 377
    Anyone meet the problem?
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