[RegCNET] Bias correction.. in the precipitation of model outputs ..... RegCM

Waheed waheed.met at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 11:08:29 CET 2011

Respected all

I have run the RegCM-4 model for future with ECHAM5 data as input .. after
comparing the results of the decade 2001-2010 with the observed data i got
large biases (with an average decadal bias of 200-250 mm in the
precipitation for one of the study stations) i have done this analysis for
10 station in the same region with almost same results.. so please suggest
me how to incorporate this large bias for future analysis .. i want to
present these results ...but they don't seem realistic..?

how can I predict the next decade2011-2020, 2010-2030 using these
biases.... if there are methods please tell.
Also can any body tell me about the reason for the large biases...

Kind regards

*Waheed *
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