[RegCNET] Using alternate land cover file

Heidi Stauffer hlstauffer at gmail.com
Thu Nov 17 01:34:54 CET 2011

Dear Fellow RegCM users,

I have started using RegCM4.1.1 to conduct sensitivity tests involving 
land use change and have encountered a problem when I attempted to 
change the terrain code to redirect the model to another land cover 
file.  The landuse text file and the domain file generated by running 
terrain (during the pre-processing procedure) reflected the default land 
cover (GLCC_BATS_30s.nc), not the land cover file I intended to use 
(also in netCDF format).  I spent several hours editing the landuse text 
file by hand to approximate the intended land cover changes before 
running the model.

In the past, I used RegCM3 for a very similar experiment with no issues, 
using the same alternate land cover file, and changing the terrain code 
to redirect to the alternate land cover file.  I will be continuing to 
conduct sensitivity tests involving land use using RegCM4.1.1, and need 
to be able to use the land cover generated during the pre-processing 
procedure, rather than approximate the alternate land cover and edit the 
landuse text file accordingly.  I would appreciate any assistance in 
this matter.

Thank you!


Heidi L. Stauffer, M.S.
PhD Candidate
Paleoclimate and Climate Change Modeling Group
Earth and Planetary Sciences Department
University of California, Santa Cruz
hstauffe at ucsc.edu
(831) 459-3504

The important thing is not to stop questioning.--Albert Einstein

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