[RegCNET] Patch procedure

Graziano Giuliani ggiulian at ictp.it
Fri Aug 26 14:00:23 CEST 2011

Hi to everybody in the list,

This is a global mail to explain how to find and apply patches which are 
prepared as fixes to a tagged revision of the model (now 4.1.1).

Patches are related to problems identified by users on a particular combination 
of input/configuration parameters and which may not impact all users. We correct 
those problems in parallel to new version development, and the corrected code 
must be used if You hit the same bug.

The page to find patches is:


or using the left navigation menu on eforge site to reach the Patches page.

Each patch is a diff file against the last tagged version, 4.1.1 actually.

Procedure to apply the latest patch is to navigate to the latest level of patch 
(currently p4), scroll to the bottom of page to find the link to the attached 
patch file and use that to update the source code.

The full procedure as of now, to apply p4 to the 4.1.1 source code, is:

tar zxvf RegCM-4.1.1.tar.gz
cd RegCM-4.1.1

wget http://eforge.escience-lab.org/gf/download/trackeritem/127/567/4.1.1-4.patch
patch -p0 -i 4.1.1-p4.patch

then configure and make as usual.



Graziano Giuliani - Earth System Physics Section
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics
Strada Costiera, 11 - I - 34151 Trieste Italy

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