[RegCNET] CFL Violation Detected

Mirkana Degenie mirkanag at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 24 09:57:42 CEST 2011

Dear all
We, RegCM users here are running the model(RegCM-4.1) for different purposes. The model runs properly but it stops at a specific time(different time for different users) and gives the following error message
                 No more atmosphere here....
                 CFL violation detected, so model STOP
                #            DECREASE DT !!!!       #
                 -------------- FATAL CALLED ---------------
                Fatal in file: mod_tendency.F90 at line:   2291
                CFL VIOLATION
We furter tried by decreasing dt but still gives the same error message when it reaches the same date it stop in the first run.
Can you figure out a way out?
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