[RegCNET] Last day to submit abstracts for AGU session on "Regional Climate Modeling"

Raymond Arritt rwarritt at gmail.com
Thu Aug 4 15:33:47 CEST 2011

 Dear RegCNET friends,

This is a last minute reminder that the deadline for submitting abstracts to
the AGU Fall Meeting special session A41 on "Regional Climate Modeling" is *
today,* specifically 5 August 2011 at 03:59 UTC  (afternoon or evening of 4
August in the Western Hemisphere).  Again, please keep in mind that *AGU is
very strict about deadlines.*

The session description is at
http://sites.agu.org/fallmeeting/scientific-program/session-search/73 and
instructions on abstract submission are given at

As always please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions.  Ruby and
I look forward to seeing you in San Francisco.

Ray Arritt
(for the conveners)

The session description follows:

A41: Regional Climate Modeling


Raymond Arritt, rwarritt at bruce.agron.iastate.edu
Lai-Yung (Ruby) Leung, ruby.leung at pnl.gov

Description:  This session will survey the current state of the art in
regional climate modeling on seasonal to centennial time scales. The session
will include new developments such as modeling earth system processes at the
regional scale; human influences such as land use, aerosol effects, and
greenhouse gas effects; process studies using regional climate models;
ensemble methods and uncertainty analyses; and development and comparison of
dynamical cores and physics parameterizations. Contributions also are
solicited on topics such as regional downscaling of IPCC climate change
scenarios, coordinated regional modeling projects (e.g., CORDEX, ENSEMBLES
and NARCCAP among others), and applications of regional climate projections
for economic, social, or policy considerations.

 Raymond W. Arritt                       tel       +1-424-242-0329
 Professor                               tel (local only) 294-9870
 Department of Agronomy                  fax:      +1-515-294-3163
 Iowa State University,  3009 Agronomy Hall,  Ames, Iowa 50011 USA
    "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -- Wayne Gretzky
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