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Xunqiang Bi bi.xunqiang at gmail.com
Mon Jul 25 16:29:49 CEST 2011

Hi, Carolina:

To use GFS11 data, because it's GRIB format, and RegCM doesnot support GRIB
format, as a first step, you have to convert the required fields (U, V, T,
Q, etc) into
a direct-access binary format. The original  fnl_20110601_00_00_c doesn't

Usually, I use wgrib to do this step. Since the present RegCM4.1.1 prefer
input/output, I think the interface of GFS11 should be modified and

Xunqiang Bi

2011/7/25 Carolina Cavazos Guerra <C.Cavazos-Guerra at sussex.ac.uk>

> Hi all, I'd really appreciate any reply about the next issue
> I'm trying to create BC using NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) product FNL
> 1.0x1.0 without any success.  The format of the data which according
> to the latest regcm4 usersguide can be in the form of eg.
> fnl_20110601_00_00_c which is how my data are formatted.
> According to the script in the icbc folder that reads such data
> (mod_gfs11.f90) they should be in the form of GFS_YYYMMM. If I compile
> this script as it is. I got the next error when running icbc.
>  /home/RegCM-4.0/DATA/GFS11/RAPR/fnl_RAPRMAY  is not available  please copy
> GFS11 datasets under /home/carito/RegCM-4.0/DATA/GFS11/
> As a first instance I added the 2011 year (current code apparently just
> reads up to 2008), modified months in a numerical mode and replaced the GFS
> string for fnl. Still I got the next error.
>  /home/RegCM-4.0/DATA/GFS11/2011/fnl_201106   is not available  please copy
> GFS11 datasets under /home/carito/RegCM-4.0/DATA/GFS11/
> I added some lines and modified the code to consider day and hour
>      data daynum/'01' , '02' , '03' , '04' , '05' , '06' , '07' , '08' ,
> '09' , '10' , '11' , '12', '13' , '14' , '15' , '16' , '17' , '18' ,
> '19' , '20' , '21' , '22', '23' , '24' , '25' , '26' , '27' , '28' , '29' ,
> '30' /
>      data hournum/'00' , '06' , '12', '18'/
>         finm = yrgfs(nyear-1999)//'/'//'fnl_'//yrgfs(nyear-1999)        &
>                &
> //chmon(month)//daynum(nday)//'_'//hournum(nhour-1)//'_00_c'
> And I'm still getting the same error. The location of my files is well
> defined, so I'm doing something wring when calling my files.
>  /home/RegCM-4.0/DATA/GFS11/2011/fnl_201106 0 is not available  please copy
> GFS11 datasets under /home/carito/RegCM-4.0/DATA/GFS11/
> I've been trying to workout what might be wrong. I have to admit that
> altough I have some knowledge in programming I'm not quite familiar with
> the code development in RegCM.
> I was hoping the latest regcm4.1 version could have some improvement in
> this matter but I still have the same problem.
> Thank you
> Carolina
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