[RegCNET] regcnet at lists.ictp.it

Carolina Cavazos Guerra C.Cavazos-Guerra at sussex.ac.uk
Mon Jul 25 09:52:35 CEST 2011

Hi all, I'd really appreciate any reply about the next issue

I'm trying to create BC using NCEP Global Forecast System (GFS) product FNL 1.0x1.0 without any success.  The format of the data which according
to the latest regcm4 usersguide can be in the form of eg. fnl_20110601_00_00_c which is how my data are formatted.

According to the script in the icbc folder that reads such data (mod_gfs11.f90) they should be in the form of GFS_YYYMMM. If I compile
this script as it is. I got the next error when running icbc.

 /home/RegCM-4.0/DATA/GFS11/RAPR/fnl_RAPRMAY  is not available  please copy GFS11 datasets under /home/carito/RegCM-4.0/DATA/GFS11/

As a first instance I added the 2011 year (current code apparently just reads up to 2008), modified months in a numerical mode and replaced the GFS string for fnl. Still I got the next error.

 /home/RegCM-4.0/DATA/GFS11/2011/fnl_201106   is not available  please copy GFS11 datasets under /home/carito/RegCM-4.0/DATA/GFS11/

I added some lines and modified the code to consider day and hour

      data daynum/'01' , '02' , '03' , '04' , '05' , '06' , '07' , '08' , '09' , '10' , '11' , '12', '13' , '14' , '15' , '16' , '17' , '18' ,
'19' , '20' , '21' , '22', '23' , '24' , '25' , '26' , '27' , '28' , '29' , '30' /
      data hournum/'00' , '06' , '12', '18'/

         finm = yrgfs(nyear-1999)//'/'//'fnl_'//yrgfs(nyear-1999)        &

And I'm still getting the same error. The location of my files is well defined, so I'm doing something wring when calling my files.

 /home/RegCM-4.0/DATA/GFS11/2011/fnl_201106 0 is not available  please copy GFS11 datasets under /home/carito/RegCM-4.0/DATA/GFS11/

I've been trying to workout what might be wrong. I have to admit that altough I have some knowledge in programming I'm not quite familiar with
the code development in RegCM.

I was hoping the latest regcm4.1 version could have some improvement in this matter but I still have the same problem.

Thank you


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