[RegCNET] A New bug in RegCM-4.1.1 version

huym huyamin_1978 at 163.com
Tue Jun 14 04:21:52 CEST 2011

Dear Tamirat Bekele:
    Thank you very much. My Makeffile.inc file is as follows:
# This a a template file that  contains all variables to be included in all other Makefiles
# This file is commented in detail to help you fine tune your RegCM distribution
# Model flags
# Set to 1 to enable the tropical band (belt) version
# Set to 1 to enable CLM coupling
# Base directory:
REGCM_BASE_DIR = /home/fliao/RegCM-4.1.1
# Binary installation directory
BINDIR = /home/fliao/RegCM-4.1.1/Bin
# NetCDF library:
# The NetCDF library is needed to run RegCM,
# RegCM V4 was successfuly tested with NetCDF 4.0.1
# In NETCDFINC you should define the path to NetCDF include files
# In NETCDFLIB you should define the path and the name of the NetCDF library
NETCDFINC = -I/public/software/netcdf-4/include
NETCDFLIB = -L/public/software/netcdf-4/lib -lnetcdf
# Use this variable to enable the parallel version of the code
# Serial version   : leave commented
# parallel version : uncomment the line
# Add further preprocessor flags, if necessary. Those available are:
# -DIBM : to compile using IBM xlf compiler
# -DNETCDF4_HDF5 : to use new NetCDF 4.x HDF5 format with compression
# Note, the latter needs to be enabled in NetCDF installation
# Automatically added flags
ifneq ($(origin PARALLEL), undefined)
ifeq ($(USEBAND),1)
ifeq ($(USECLM),1)
# Specific compiler flags (eg.: optimization / debugging)
# IMPORTANT : Check that your compiler complies with this RegCM features:
# - RegCM expects the output to be written in big endian format
# - RegCM expects Fortran records to be measured in bytes
F90FLAGS = -O3 -byteswapio
# Set the Fortran 90 compiler here
F90 = pgf90
# Set the MPI Fortran 90 compiler here
MPIF90 = mpif90
# Set the linker here
# Modify this variable only if you really know what you are doing !!!
LD =$(F90)
# You should not change the lines below unless you are a developer
SVNDEF := -D'SVN_REV="$(shell svnversion -n .)"'

Then I make it clean firstly,then run "make all",but there are something wrong as follows:
make -C netlib
make[2]: Entering directory `/home/fliao/RegCM-4.1.1/Main/netlib'
mpif90 -c -I/public/software/netcdf-4/include -O3 -byteswapio  -c linpack.f90
mpif90 -c -I/public/software/netcdf-4/include -O3 -byteswapio  -c eispack.f90
ar rv libnetlib.a linpack.o eispack.o
ar: creating libnetlib.a
a - linpack.o
a - eispack.o
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/fliao/RegCM-4.1.1/Main/netlib'
mpif90  -DMPP1 -DCLM -Inetlib -O3 -byteswapio -c mod_vmodes.F90
mpif90 -I/public/software/netcdf-4/include  -DMPP1 -DCLM -D'SVN_REV="exported"' -O3 -byteswapio   -c mod_ncio.F90
mpif90 -c -I/public/software/netcdf-4/include  -DMPP1 -DCLM -O3 -byteswapio  -c mod_bdycod.F90
mpif90 -c -I/public/software/netcdf-4/include -O3 -byteswapio  -c mod_tracer.f90
mpif90 -c -I/public/software/netcdf-4/include  -DMPP1 -DCLM -O3 -byteswapio  -c mod_scenarios.F90
mpif90 -c -I/public/software/netcdf-4/include  -DMPP1 -DCLM -O3 -byteswapio  -c mod_aerosol.F90
mpif90 -c -I/public/software/netcdf-4/include  -DMPP1 -DCLM -O3 -byteswapio  -c mod_radiation.F90
mpif90 -c -I/public/software/netcdf-4/include  -DMPP1 -DCLM -O3 -byteswapio  -c mod_diagnosis.F90
mpif90 -c -I/public/software/netcdf-4/include  -DMPP1 -DCLM -O3 -byteswapio  -c mod_lake.F90
mpif90  -DMPP1 -DCLM -I./clmlib -O3 -byteswapio   -c mod_savefile.F90
mpif90 -c -I/public/software/netcdf-4/include  -DMPP1 -DCLM -O3 -byteswapio  -c mod_split.F90
PGF90-F-0004-Unable to open MODULE file esmf_alarmmod.mod (mod_split.F90: 33)
PGF90/x86-64 Linux 7.1-6: compilation aborted
make[1]: *** [mod_split.o] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fliao/RegCM-4.1.1/Main'
make: *** [regcm] Error 2

Please give me a hand. Thanks for any advice!

                             Yamin  Hu
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