[RegCNET] Fwd: Please, please help
Sara A. Rauscher
rauscher at lanl.gov
Thu Apr 21 00:50:42 CEST 2011
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Please, please help
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 18:42:19 +0200
From: Melaku Yigiletu <MYigiletu at csir.co.za>
To: <wangxuejia86 at 163.com>, <rwarritt at bruce.agron.iastate.edu>,
<agacayak at gmail.com>, <azarzarrin at gmail.com>, <dangoves at gmail.com>,
<faisal.met at gmail.com>, <flyyks at gmail.com>, <hamzaaltinsoy at gmail.com>,
<mqvillafuerte at gmail.com>, <raphaellbarbosa1 at gmail.com>,
<zouliwei at gmail.com>, <bixq at ictp.it>, <nbrowne at ictp.it>,
<rauscher at lanl.gov>, <james.ciarlo at physics.org>, <lindam at ucar.edu>,
<tobrien at ucsc.edu>, <mnotaro at wisc.edu>, <avgeio at yahoo.com>,
<illallo at yahoo.com>
Dear Sir/Madam
Due to unknown reason my e-mail account rejects to post my problem at
regcnet at lists.ictp.it <mailto:regcnet at lists.ictp.it>. That is why I am
sending directly to you guys, thanks!!! I am new to use RegCM4.0, I
download the code from the web and the important data’s from
<http://users.ictp.it/%7Epubregcm/RegCM4/globedat.htm>. to make some
simulation around aerosols and climate, for my PhD study. But I have
some problems *could you please help me**in the following
1. I make some simulation including aerosol, however the output does not have any value of dust at all time. That means I am unable to see any load and impacts of dust in my out put. I think this is due to the lack of this data files: */CLAY.02,CLAY.03, CLAY.05, CLAY.10, CLAY.30, CLAY.60, CLM3.0, SAND.02 SAND.03,SAND.05,SAND.10,/* */loam.02, loam.03,…/*Could you please tell me where to get this data sets or if you have those data sets and able to attach in e-mail or if I can download from ftp could share to me.*//*
2. As well as for the other outputs of aerosol such as SO_4 and
different forms of carbon the outputs of *assa8 (aer mix. sin. scat.
Alb)* and *agfu8 (aer mix. ass. par)* values are not reasonable, the
values are 0.000X...how I get such values of single scattering albedo
and asymmetric parameter? What is my mistake? Is that the input setup
problem or due to the data that I use to run the model?
3.*FirstSouth Africa is the country that has half of its region is in Low-latitude regions and the rest half is part of Middle-latitude region. Thus which one you will suggest me to use in the input 'LAMCON', or*'NORMER'?
*For your more advises this is the input setup that I use to run the model:*
* **iy = 34,*
* **jx = 64,*
* **kz = 18,*
* **nsg = 1,*
* **/*
* **&geoparam*
*iproj = 'LAMCON',*
* **ds = 60.0,*
* **ptop = 5.0,*
* **clat = -29.00,*
* **clon = 26.00,*
* **plat = -29.00,*
* **plon = 26.00,*
* **truelatl = -40.0,*
* **truelath = -20.0,*
* **/*
* **&terrainparam*
* **domname = 'TRS',*
* **itype_in = 1,*
* **ntypec = 10,*
* **ntypec_s = 10,*
* **ifanal = .true.,*
* **smthbdy = .false.,*
* **lakadj = .false.,*
* **fudge_lnd = .false.,*
* **fudge_lnd_s = .false.,*
* **fudge_tex = .false.,*
* **fudge_tex_s = .false.,*
* **ntex = 17,*
* **h2opct = 75.,*
* **dirter = '/media/FreeAgentGoFlexDrive/regcmsimulation_sep/input',*
* **inpter = '/media/FreeAgentGoFlexDrive/regcmsimulation_sep/DATA/',*
* **/*
* **&ioparam*
* **igrads = 1,*
* **ibigend = 1,*
* **ibyte = 4,*
* **iotyp = 1,*
* **/*
* **&debugparam*
* **debug_level = 1*
* **/*
* **&boundaryparam*
* **nspgx = 12,*
* **nspgd = 12,*
* **/*
* **&modesparam*
* **nsplit = 2,*
* **/*
* **&lakemodparam*
* **lkpts = 10,*
* **/*
* **&globdatparam*
* **ssttyp = 'OI_WK',*
* **dattyp = 'NNRP1',*
* **ehso4 = .false.,*
* **globidate1 = 2000080100,*
* **globidate2 = 2000110100,*
* **dirglob = '/media/FreeAgentGoFlexDrive/regcmsimulation_sep/input',*
* **inpglob = '/media/FreeAgentGoFlexDrive/regcmsimulation_sep/DATA/',*
* **/*
* **&lsmparam*
* **lsmtyp = 'BATS',*
* **/*
* **&aerosolparam*
* **aertyp = 'AER11D1'*
* **ntr = 10,*
* **nbin = 4,*
* **/*
* **&restartparam*
* **ifrest = .false. ,*
* **idate0 = 2000080100,*
* **idate1 = 2000080100,*
* **idate2 = 2000110100,*
* **nslice = 120,*
* **/*
* **&timeparam*
* **radfrq = 30.,*
* **abemh = 18.,*
* **abatm = 600.,*
* **dt = 120.,*
* **ibdyfrq = 6,*
* **/*
* **&outparam*
* **ifsave = .true. ,*
* **savfrq = 48.,*
* **iftape = .true. ,*
* **tapfrq = 6.,*
* **ifrad = .true. ,*
* **radisp = 6.,*
* **ifbat = .true. ,*
* **ifsub = .true. ,*
* **batfrq = 3.,*
* **ifprt = .false.,*
* **prtfrq = 12.,*
* **kxout = 6,*
* **jxsex = 40,*
* **ifchem = .true.,*
* **chemfrq = 6.,*
* **dirout='/media/FreeAgentGoFlexDrive/regcmsimulation_sep/output'*
* **/*
* **&physicsparam*
* **iboudy = 5,*
* **ibltyp = 1,*
* **icup = 2,*
* **igcc = 2,*
* **ipptls = 1,*
* **iocnflx = 2,*
* **ipgf = 0,*
* **iemiss = 0,*
* **lakemod = 0,*
* **ichem = 1,*
* **/*
* **&subexparam*
* **qck1land= .250E-03,*
* **qck1oce = .250E-03,*
* **cevap = .100E-02,*
* **caccr = 3.000,*
* **/*
* **&grellparam*
* **/*
* **&emanparam*
* **/*
* **&chemparam*
* **idirect = 2,*
* **inpchtrname = 'DUST','DUST','DUST','DUST', 'SO2','SO4','BC_HB','BC_HL','OC_HB','OC_HL',*
* **inpchtrsol = 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.10, 0.20, 0.80, 0.05, 0.80, 0.05, 0.80*
* **inpchtrdpv = 0.00000,0.00000,0.00000,0.00000,0.00000,0.00000,0.00000,0.00000,*
* **inpchtrdpv(:,1) =0.,0.,0.,0., 0.00300,0.00200,0.00025,0.00025,0.00025,0.00025*
* **inpchtrdpv(:,2) = 0.,0.,0.,0., 0.00800,0.0020,0.00025,0.00250,0.00025,0.00250*
* **inpdustbsiz(:,1) = 0.01, 1.00, 2.50, 5.00*
* **inpdustbsiz(:,2)= 1.00, 2.50, 5.00,20.00*
* **&clmparam*
* **dirclm = '/media/FreeAgentGoFlexDrive/regcmsimulation_sep/input',*
* **imask = 1,*
* **clmfrq = 24.,*
*/Thanks in advance for your help!!!/*
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