[RegCNET] RegCM PostProc Data with CDO

bixq bixq at ictp.it
Tue Apr 19 09:30:59 CEST 2011

ATM_P.mon is in direct-access binary format, (not netCDF format).

So, cdo doesn't work.

On Tue, 19 Apr 2011, James Ciarlo` wrote:

> Dear RegCNETers,
> I am trying to merge two data sets I obtained from the PostProc output, in
> particular the ATM_P.mon of a data set considering 1982-1990 and a second
> containing 1991-2000.
> I am using the following command and I am getting an error
> [regcm at grid RawData]$ cdo mergetime 89.MScSim/ATM_P.mon 90.MScSim/ATM_P.mon
> 1980.2000
> cdo mergetime: Open failed on >89.MScSim/ATM_P.mon<
> Unsupported file type
> Is CDO not compatible with this data type? or is it just a question of
> improper installation of the CDO?
> Regards,
> James

   Dr. Xunqiang Bi         email:bixq at ictp.it
   Earth System Physics Group
   The Abdus Salam ICTP
   Strada Costiera, 11
   P.O. BOX 586, 34100 Trieste, ITALY
   Tel: +39-040-2240302  Fax: +39-040-2240449

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