[RegCNET] RegCM PostProc Data with CDO

James Ciarlo` james.ciarlo at physics.org
Tue Apr 19 08:56:54 CEST 2011

Dear RegCNETers,

I am trying to merge two data sets I obtained from the PostProc output, in
particular the ATM_P.mon of a data set considering 1982-1990 and a second
containing 1991-2000.

I am using the following command and I am getting an error

[regcm at grid RawData]$ cdo mergetime 89.MScSim/ATM_P.mon 90.MScSim/ATM_P.mon
cdo mergetime: Open failed on >89.MScSim/ATM_P.mon<
Unsupported file type

Is CDO not compatible with this data type? or is it just a question of
improper installation of the CDO?


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