[RegCNET] average

Irini Yiannikopoulou avgeio at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 12 12:14:22 CEST 2011

Dear all,

I am facing a problem during the postprocessing of the RegCM-4.0. Firstly, I run sigma2p successfully but when I am trying to run the average part, the terminal displays the following error:
 Calculate the daily mean of   ICBC        2004           2
                               ICBC        2004           3
 Calculate the daily mean of ICBC_P        2004           2
                             ICBC_P        2004           3
At line 1635 of file average.f90 (unit = 10, file = './input/test4_ICBC_P2004030100')
Fortran runtime error: Non-existing record number

The postproc.in file is the following:
 iy   = 225,
 jx   = 225,
 kz   =  18,
 nsg  =   1,
 ntr  =  10,
 i_band = 0,
 ibyte  = 4,
 igrads = 1,
 Path_Input  = './input',
 DomainName = 'test4'
 Path_Output = './output',
 np = 11,
 plev = 1000.,925.,850.,700.,500.,400.,300.,250.,200.,150.,100.,
 s2p_ICBC = .true.,
 s2p_ATM  = .true.,
 idate0 = 2004010100,
 idate1 = 2004020100,
 idate2 = 2004032000,
 day_ICBC   = .true.,
 day_ATM    = .true.,
 day_RAD    = .true.,
 day_SRF    = .true.,
 day_SUB    = .false.,
 day_CHE    = .false.,
 day_ICBC_P = .true.,
 day_ATM_P  = .true.,
 mon_ICBC   = .true.,
 mon_ATM    = .true.,
 mon_RAD    = .true.,
 mon_SRF    = .true.,
 mon_SUB    = .false.,
 mon_CHE    = .false.,
 mon_ICBC_P = .true.,
 mon_ATM_P  = .true.,
 regDOMAIN   = .true. ,
 regICBC     = .true.,
 regOUT_HEAD = .true.,
 regATM      = .true.,
 regSRF      = .true.,
 regRAD      = .true.,
 regICBC_P   = .true.,
 regATM_P    = .true.,
 xminlon = -9999.0,
 xmaxlon = -9999.0,
 xminlat = -9999.0,
 xmaxlat = -9999.0,
 ddeg = 0.5,

What am I doing wrong? Could you please help me?
Thank you!

Irini Yiannikopoulou
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