[RegCNET] NAN error occurs

rajesh maurya rksmaurya at gmail.com
Sat Jan 22 10:44:33 CET 2011

Dear All,

I am doing SST experiment , where I have made change in SST_1DEG.f file ,
The piece of code is in bold attached below.

C ******           PRINT OUT DATA AS A CHECK
            IF(NMO.EQ.1) CALL PRINTL ( SST2, MLON, NLAT )
     &                 , SSTMM, XLON, XLAT,   IY,   JX, 1 )
            PRINT *,'XLON,XLAT,SST=', XLON(1,1), XLAT(1,1), SSTMM(1,1)
            DO J=1,JX
            DO I=1,IY
*C ************      CHANGE SST HERE ONLY
                IF(I.GE.2.and.I.LE.75.and.J.GE.5.and.J.LE.110) then
                  SSTMM(I,J)=SSTMM(I,J) + 0.5*
*               ELSE IF(SSTMM(I,J).GT.-100.) then
                  SSTMM(I,J)= SSTMM(I,J) + 273.15
                  SSTMM(I,J) = -9999.
*               if (LSMTYP.eq.'BATS'.and.sstmm(I,J).lt.-5000. .and.
     &             (lu(i,j).gt.13.5.and.lu(i,j).lt.15.5)) then
                 do k=1,20
                   lund(k) = 0.0
                 end do

Now the NAN problem occur when we execute regcm.x scripts. we have change dt
value with 20 ,30,40,50,60,70, 80,90,100 and  changed the value of abatm 3
times respectively ,In all cases we got same error.

 OUT-history written date =    2009070100.00000
 BATS variables written at   2009070100  0.333333333333333
 Writing rad fields at ktau =            1  2009070100

 ******* OPENING NEW OUTPUT FILES:  2009070100
 OPENING NEW OUT FILE: output/ATM.2009070100
 OPENING NEW BAT FILE: output/SRF.2009070100
 OPENING NEW RAD FILE: output/RAD.2009070100
     at day =    0.0113, ktau =         50 :  1st, 2nd time deriv of ps =
0.14308E-03 0.96722E-06,  no. of points w/convection =    1998
     at day =    0.0229, ktau =        100 :  1st, 2nd time deriv of ps =
0.13989E-03 0.10220E-05,  no. of points w/convection =    1814
     at day =    0.0345, ktau =        150 :  1st, 2nd time deriv of ps =
0.14030E-03 0.11685E-05,  no. of points w/convection =    1595
     at day =    0.0461, ktau =        200 :  1st, 2nd time deriv of ps =
NaN         NaN        ,  no. of points w/convection =       0
     at day =    0.0576, ktau =        250 :  1st, 2nd time deriv of ps =
NaN         NaN        ,  no. of points w/convection =       0
forrtl: error (69): process interrupted (SIGINT)
Image              PC                Routine            Line
regcm              00000000004DF63B  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
regcm              00000000004C7E9C  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
regcm              00000000004032DC  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
libc.so.6          000000368F21D8B4  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
regcm              00000000004031E9  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

Please look into the problem and reply with your valuable suggestion.

Rajesh Kumar Maurya
M.Sc(Tech)- Geophysics(Meteorology); Junior Research Fellow & Research
Department of Geophysics
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi 221005
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