[RegCNET] Problem in setting domain in RegCM4

bixq bixq at ictp.it
Fri Jan 14 17:16:46 CET 2011

You know, it's the prejected (I assume you use NORMER, right) plane.
So at high latitude places, 1 deg is more than 111km distance, that
is the reason that you cannot reach 56N.

On Fri, 14 Jan 2011, pushpraj tiwari wrote:

> Dear all,
>             I am trying to set my domain (30S - 56 N; 28 E - 128E)
>             for that i have taken   :                     iy =108
>                                                                  jx = 128
>                                                                  ds = 90
>                                                                  Clat
> =13.00
>                                                                  Clon  =
> 78.00
>       But i am getting my domain which i have  attached here.
>       There is a huge difference coming in the plotted domain and the
> theoretical domain. Can any of you suggest me  why this is happening.
> Any suggestions please
> Thanks in advance
> Pushpraj Tiwari
> Centre For Atmospheric Science
> IIT delhi

   Dr. Xunqiang Bi         email:bixq at ictp.it
   Earth System Physics Group
   The Abdus Salam ICTP
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