[RegCNET] Arithmetic Exception on running regcm.x

savita rai savita1559 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 11:30:19 CET 2007


I am running RegCM3 with year 2007 data. I have given a run from 2007060100
to 2007100100 but after running upto 2007062800 and creating
SAVTMP.2007062800 file, it stopped. And showing :-

OUT-history written date =  2.0070628E+9
 BATS variables written at  2007062800 0.0E+0
 Writing rad fields at ktau =  36864 2007062800
 SAVTMP RESTART WRITTEN: idatex= 2007062800 ktau= 36864
Arithmetic Exception (core dumped)
Here is my regcm.in file.
 ifrest  = .true. ,
 idate0  = 2007042500,
 idate1  = 2007060100,
 idate2  = 2007100100,
 nslice  =        120,
 radfrq  =    30.,
 abemh   =    18.,
 abatm   =   450.,
 dt      =   150.,
 ibdyfrq =      6,
 ifsave  = .true. ,
   savfrq  =    48.,
 iftape  = .true. ,
   tapfrq  =     6.,
 ifrad   = .true. ,
   radisp  =     6.,
 ifbat   = .true. ,
 ifsub   = .true. ,
   batfrq  =     3.,
 ifprt   = .false.,
   prtfrq  =    12.,
   kxout   =          6,
   jxsex   =         40,
 iotyp   =          2,
 ibintyp =          1,
 ifchem  = .false.,
   chemfrq =     6.,
 iboudy  =          5,
 ibltyp  =          1,
 icup    =          2,
   igcc    =          1,
 ipptls  =          1,
 iocnflx =          2,
 ipgf    =          0,
 lakemod =          0,
ichem   =          0,
 idirect   =    1,
=                                                                    '',
 chtrsol   =  0.00,
 chtrdpv   = 0.00000,0.00000,
 dustbsiz  =  0.00, 0.00,
May anybody tel me why it happened? and how can I resolve it.
Please reply.


CAS, IIT Delhi
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