[RegCNET] interpolation of re-analysis data and SIGMAtoP.f for ICBC

ywyang ywyang at lzb.ac.cn
Sun Apr 1 05:39:44 CEST 2007

   I want to compare the ERA40 data with the PLEV.yyyymmddhh at 700hPa and 500hPa.It seems that the ICBC.yyyymmddhh is the interpolation of re-analysis data to the model grid,so can I use the ICBC files to compare with the PLEV files?
   However,the ICBC files have no the variable of geopotential height.If I want get the variable,can I use the icbc.f to interpolate the re-anlysis data?And which lines should be changed?Does anyone provide any suggestion ?

   Ps:when I do SIGMAtoP.f for ICBC.yyyymmddhh,there are some false suggestion.The following is my steps  :
      1.in input, copy tools/SIGMAtoP.f .
      2.vi SIGMAtoP.f,change 'fn' and 'fz'
         data    fn/'ICBC2000070100'/
         data    fz/'IC_P2000070100'/      
      3.pgf77 -byteswapio -o SIGMAtoP SIGMAtoP.f
      4.there are the false suggestion:
        PGFTN-S-0017-Unable to open include file: ../../PreProc/ICBC/icbc.param (SIGMAtoP.f: 7)
        PGFTN-S-0038-Symbol, jx, has not been explicitly declared (SIGMAtoP.f: 13)
        PGFTN-S-0038-Symbol, iy, has not been explicitly declared (SIGMAtoP.f: 13)
        PGFTN-S-0038-Symbol, kz, has not been explicitly declared (SIGMAtoP.f: 16)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, u, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, v, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, t, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, qv, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, w, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, pp, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, ps, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, tgb, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, ht, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, h, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, satbrt, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, slp1, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, slp2, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, up, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, vp, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, tp, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, hp, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, qp, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0050-Adjustable or assumed size array, sig, is not a dummy argument (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0034-Syntax error at or near end of line (SIGMAtoP.f: 34)
        PGFTN-S-0038-Symbol, iomega, has not been explicitly declared (SIGMAtoP.f: 100)
        PGFTN-F-0008-Error limit exceeded (SIGMAtoP.f: 100)

How to solve the problem?Any suggestion is appreciated.Thanking you in advance.

Best Regards


        ywyang at lzb.ac.cn

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