[RegCNET] Increased output frequency less than 1 hour

Neil Davis nndavis at unity.ncsu.edu
Wed Jan 11 15:47:07 CET 2006

Attached is some changes I have made to the code which allows you to 
output the code at a higher frequency than was the one hour limit the 
model had before.  Because of the changes all of the output frequencies 
in regcm.in have to be input as whole minutes.  You can change it minute 
by minute up to 90 minutes or 1.5 hours, then it has to be whole hours, 
this is due to the way that grads handles intervals.  Also make sure 
that batfrq (bats output frequency) is divisible by abatm (bats 
timestep).  This is a check the model runs, and will stop your run if 
they are not set correctly. 

Changes.txt is a diff of the changes that I have made to the code for 
your reference.

Neil Davis
Graduate Student NCSU
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