ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc subroutine param ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc c c c this subroutine defines various model parameters. c c c ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc implicit none include 'parame' include 'Commons/param1.cb' include 'Commons/param2.cb' include 'Commons/param3.cb' include 'Commons/iunits.cb' include 'Commons/pmoist.cb' include 'Commons/cupeman.cb' include 'Commons/bats.cb2' include 'Commons/date.cb' include 'Commons/main.cb' include 'Commons/bdycod.cb' include 'Commons/nonhydro.cb' Cchem2 include 'Commons/removal.cb' Cchem2_ c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c-----vqrang is the range limit on vqflx. c.....qdcrit is the precipitation threshold for moisture convergence. c real*8 dtsplit(nsplit) c character*1 xchar real*8 vqrang data vqrang /5.0e-4/ integer mmd(12),i,j,ii,jj data (mmd(i),i=1,12) /31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31/ integer igrads,ibigend real*8 afracl ! frac. cover for conv. precip. when dx=dxlarg real*8 afracs ! " " " " " " dx=dxsmal real*8 dlargc real*8 dsmalc real*8 dxtemc c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c-----namelist: c namelist/restartparam/ifrest,idate0,idate1,idate2,nslice namelist/timeparam/radfrq,abatm,abemh,dt,ibdyfrq namelist/outparam/ ifsave,savfrq,iftape,tapfrq,ifprt,prtfrq,kxout & ,jxsex,ifrad,radisp,ifbat,ifsub,batfrq,iotyp,ibintyp Cchem2 & ,ifchem, chemfrq c namelist/physicsparam/ibltyp,iboudy,icup,igcc,ipgf,lakemod,ipptls & ,iocnflx,nonhydro, Cchem2 & ichem Cchem2_ namelist/subexparam/ncld,fcmax,qck1land,qck1oce,gulland,guloce & ,rhmax,rh0oce,rh0land,cevap,caccr,tc0,rh0min,htsd1,htsd2 & ,cllwcv,clfrcvmax namelist/grellparam/ shrmin,shrmax,edtmin,edtmax,edtmino & ,edtmaxo,edtminx,edtmaxx,pbcmax,mincld,htmin,htmax & ,skbmax,dtauc namelist/emanparam/ minsig, elcrit, tlcrit, entp, sigd, sigs & , omtrain, omtsnow, coeffr, coeffs, cu & , betae, dtmax, alphae, damp Cchem2 namelist/chemparam/ ichremlsc,ichremcvc,ichdrdepo,ichcumtra, & idirect, isoot Cchem2_ c integer ns,mdate1,myear,mmon,mday,my1,my2,my3 integer m,k,kbase,ktop real*8 eqoft,bb,cc,ssum,xx,xtop,xbot,vqmax real*8 yy,wk,qk,wkp1,qkp1,sigtbl,delsig,pi,chibot real*8 ptmb,pz,pk,sig700,daymax real*8 amaxrot,aminrot,xlatd,dlong,dlat,rotang,dmaxrot,dminrot real*4 sp1d(kxp1),sp2d(ix,jx) ! real*4 for compact input real*4 sp2d1(ix*NZ,jx*NZ) real*4 clat,clon,dxsp,ptsp,plat,plon character proj*6 COMMON /GRADS/clat,clon,dxsp,ptsp,plat,plon,proj integer nyy,nxx,kzz integer ierr real*4 grdfac character*7 finm c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c-----specify unit numbers for input/output. c units 10,101,14 are input. c iutin : input initial data for large domain. c iutbc : input slab temperature for large domain , c boundary values and tendencies for large doamin. c iutrs : input saved file for large domain for restart from c previous forecast. c iutdat: output for dataflow, if iftape=.true. c iutsav: output saved file for restart, if ifsave=.true. or c qdcrit =3.0e-7 iutin = 10 iutin1= 11 iutbc = 101 iutrs = 14 c** initialize output file unit number iutdat = 50 c** initialize save file unit number iutsav = 52 c** initialize bats file unit number iutbat = 54 iutsub = 55 c** initialize radiation file unit number iutrad = 56 c** initalize lake file unit number iutlak = 58 c** initialize chemistry file number Cchem2 c emission file iutchsrc = 90 c out file iutchem = 60 Cchem2_ c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c-----specify the parameters used in the model: c c rfstrt : whether the model is to be started with refined time c steps in the first hour. if ifrest=.true., this parameter c is never used. c = .true. ; yes c = .false. ; no c c ifrest : whether this run is restarting from a saved tape c (unit 14). c = .true. ; yes c = .false. ; no c c ktaur : if ifrest=.false., ktaur=0. c if ifrest=.true., set ktaur=ktau, which is the time-step c the model output is saved. c c ifsave : specify whether a saved tape (unit 24) will be written c for restarting. c = .true. ; yes c = .false. ; no c c savfrq : if ifsave=.true., specify the interval in hours c between save operations. c c ibltyp : specify whether bats pbl or holtslag's pbl c parameterization is to be used in the model. c = 0 ; frictionless c = 1 ; holtslag pbl (holtslag, 1990) c c radfrq : specify the frequency in c minutes, the solar radiation will be computed in c subroutine "sfcrd". a typical value would be 30 minutes. c c lakemod: inclusion of the hostetler lake model c = 0 ; no c = 1 ; yes c c kxout : the k level of the horizontal slice for printer output. c c jxsex : the j index of the north-south vertical slice for printer c output. c c icup : type of cumulus parameterization c = 1 ; kuo c = 2 ; grell c = 3 ; betts-miller (1986) c = 4 ; emanuel (1991) c c igcc : Grell Scheme Convective Closure Assumption c = 1 ; Arakawa & Schubert (1974) c = 2 ; Fritsch & Chappell (1980) c c ipptls : type of moisture scheme c = 1 ; explicit moisture (SUBEX; Pal et al 2000) c c iocnflx: type of ocean flux parameterization c = 1 ; BATS c = 2 ; Zeng et al. c c iboudy : specify the laterial boundary conditions. c = 0 ; fixed. c = 1 ; relaxation, linear technique. c = 2 ; time-dependent (from observations or large-scale c model). c = 3 ; time and inflow/outflow dependent. c = 4 ; sponge (perkey & kreitzberg, mwr 1976). c = 5 ; relaxation, exponential technique. c c iftape : whether you want output in a saved tape (unit 20) for c analyses in dataflow. c = .true. ; yes c = .false. ; no c c tapfrq : if iftape=true., specify the output interval in hours. c c ifrad : whether you want radiation output saved c = .true. ; yes c = .false. ; no c c radisp : if ifrad=1, specify the output interval in hours. c c ifprt : whether you want printer output or not. c = 0 ; no c = 1 ; yes c c prtfrq : if ifprt=1, specify the output interval in mimutes. c c iotyp : Type of output files, c 1=direct access (GrADS); 2=sequential w/ time listing c c ibintyp : Type of binary output for GrADS ctl files c 1=big endian; 2=little endian c c maschk : specify the frequency in time steps, the mass- c conservation information will be printed out. c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c-----default values for all the options: c (can be overwritten by namelist input). c------namelist restart param: c ifrest = .false. ! Restart?: t=true; f=false idate0 = 1993063000 ! Start date of the initial simulation idate1 = 1993063000 ! Start date of this simulation idate2 = 1993080100 ! End Date this simulation nslice = 4 ! # of days for next model run (used with restart) ! note: beginning/end forecast time set in restart.mm4 c------namelist timeparam: c radfrq = 30. ! time interval in min solar rad caluclated abatm = 600. ! time interval at which bats is called (secs) abemh = 12. ! time interval absorption-emission calculated (hours) dt = 200. ! time step in seconds ibdyfrq = 6 ! boundary condition interval (hours) c-----namelist outparam: note: * signifies currently not in namelist c rfstrt = .false. ! * ifsave = .false. savfrq = 6. iftape = .true. tapfrq = 6. ifrad = .true. radisp = 6.0 ! time interval for disposing rad output (min) ifbat = .true. batfrq = 1.0 ! time interval for disposing bats output (min) ifsub = .true. ifprt = .true. prtfrq = 12. kxout = kx jxsex = 25 iotyp = 1 ibintyp = 1 maschk = 10 ! * defined below Cchem2 ifchem=.false. chemfrq = 6.0 ! time interval for disposeing chem output (min) Cchem2_ c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c-----namelist physicsparam: c ibltyp = 1 iboudy = 1 icup = 1 ipptls = 1 igcc = 1 ipgf = 1 iocnflx = 1 lakemod = 1 nonhydro = .false. ichem = 0 c c---------------------------------------------------------------------- c------namelist subexparam: ncld = 3 ! # of bottom model levels with no clouds (rad only) qck1land = 5.e-4 ! Autoconversion Rate for Land qck1oce = 5.e-4 ! Autoconversion Rate for Ocean gulland = 0.4 ! Fract of Gultepe eqn (qcth) when precip occurs (land) guloce = 0.4 ! Fract of Gultepe eqn (qcth) for ocean rhmax = 1.01 ! RH at whicn FCC = 1.0 rh0oce = 0.90 ! Relative humidity threshold for ocean rh0land = 0.80 ! Relative humidity threshold for land fcmax = 0.80 ! Maximum cloud fraction cover (rad only) tc0 = 238.0 ! Below this temperature, rh0 begins to approach unity cevap = 1.0e-5 ! Raindrop evap rate coef [[(kg m-2 s-1)-1/2]/s] caccr = 6.0 ! Raindrop accretion rate [m3/kg/s] cllwcv = 0.3e-3 ! Cloud liquid water content for convective precip. clfrcvmax= 0.25 ! Max cloud fractional cover for convective precip. rh0min = 0.25 ! Minimum Relative humidity threshold for land htsd1 = 50. ! Elevation std dev at which rh0 decreases from rh0land htsd2 = 400. ! Elevation std dev at which rh0 becomes rh0min c------namelist grellparam: shrmin = 0.25 ! Minimum Shear effect on precip eff. shrmax = 0.50 ! Maximum Shear effect on precip eff. edtmin = 0.25 ! Minimum Precipitation Efficiency edtmax = 1.00 ! Maximum Precipitation Efficiency edtmino = 0.0 ! Minimum Precipitation Efficiency (o var) edtmaxo = 1.00 ! Maximum Precipitation Efficiency (o var) edtminx = 0.25 ! Minimum Precipitation Efficiency (x var) edtmaxx = 1.00 ! Maximum Precipitation Efficiency (x var) pbcmax = 150. ! Max depth (mb) of stable layer b/twn LCL & LFC mincld = 150. ! Min cloud depth (mb). htmin = -250. ! Min convective heating htmax = 500. ! Max convective heating skbmax = 0.4 ! Max cloud base height in sigma dtauc = 30. ! Fritsch & Chappell (1980) ABE Removal Timescale (min) c------namelist emanparam: minsig = 0.95 ! Lowest sigma level from which convection can originate elcrit = 0.0011 ! AUTOCONVERSION THRESHOLD WATER CONTENT (gm/gm) tlcrit = -55.0 ! BELOW TLCRIT AUTO-CONVERSION THRESHOLD IS ZERO entp = 1.5 ! COEFFICIENT OF MIXING IN THE ENTRAINMENT FORMULATION sigd = 0.05 ! FRACTIONAL AREA COVERED BY UNSATURATED DNDRAFT sigs = 0.12 ! FRACTION OF PRECIPITATION FALLING OUTSIDE OF CLOUD omtrain = 50.0 ! FALL SPEED OF RAIN (P/s) omtsnow = 5.5 ! FALL SPEED OF SNOW (P/s) coeffr = 1.0 ! COEFFICIENT GOVERNING THE RATE OF RAIN EVAPORATION coeffs = 0.8 ! COEFFICIENT GOVERNING THE RATE OF SNOW EVAPORATION cu = 0.7 ! COEFFICIENT GOVERNING CONVECTIVE MOMENTUM TRANSPORT betae = 10.0 ! CONTROLS DOWNDRAFT VELOCITY SCALE dtmax = 0.9 ! MAX NEGATIVE PARCEL TEMPERATURE PERTURBATION BELOW LFC alphae = 0.2 ! CONTROLS THE APPROACH RATE TO QUASI-EQUILIBRIUM damp = 0.1 ! CONTROLS THE APPROACH RATE TO QUASI-EQUILIBRIUM c cc------namelist chemparam ; ( 0= none, 1= activated) ichremlsc = 1 ! tracer removal by large scale clouds ichremcvc = 1 ! tracer removal by convective clouds ichdrdepo = 1 ! tracer dry deposition ichcumtra = 1 ! tracer convective transport idirect = 1 ! tracer direct effect c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c-----read in namelist variables: c read restartparam print*,'RESTARTPARAM READ IN' read timeparam print*,'TIMEPARAM READ IN' read outparam print*,'OUTPARAM READ IN' read physicsparam print*,'PHYSICSPARAM READ IN' read subexparam print*,'SUBEXPARAM READ IN' read grellparam print*,'GRELLPARAM READ IN' read emanparam print*,'EMANPARAM READ IN' read chemparam print*,'CHEMPARAM READ IN' cas if (mod(anint(radfrq*60.),anint(dt)).ne.0) then print*,'INCONSISTENT TIMESTEPS SPECIFIED' print*,'RADFRQ=',radfrq,'DT=',dt stop 'Radiation Timestep (param.f)' end if if (mod(anint(abatm),anint(dt)).ne.0) then print*,'INCONSISTENT TIMESTEPS SPECIFIED' print*,'ABATM=',abatm,'DT=',dt stop 'Surface Timestep (param.f)' end if if (mod(anint(batfrq*60.),anint(abatm)).ne.0) then print*,'INCONSISTENT TIMESTEPS SPECIFIED' print*,'BATFRQ=',batfrq,'ABATM=',abatm stop 'Surface Output/Timestep (param.f)' end if if (mod(anint(abemh*3600.),anint(dt)).ne.0) then print*,'INCONSISTENT TIMESTEPS SPECIFIED' print*,'ABEMH=',abemh,'DT=',dt stop 'Abs-Ems Timestep (param.f)' end if if (mod(anint(abemh*60.),anint(radfrq)).ne.0) then print*,'INCONSISTENT TIMESTEPS SPECIFIED' print*,'ABEMH=',abemh,'RADFRQ=',radfrq stop 'Longwave/shortwave Radiation Timestep (param.f)' end if c-----reset the options/calculate variables using namelist info: c c ----- Test output frequency to determine if it is less than 90 c where it can be output in minutes otherwise it has to be whole c hour values if ( then if(mod(nint(tapfrq),60).ne.0.) then stop 'ATM output greater than 1.5 hours and not on a whole hour' endif endif if ( then if(mod(nint(batfrq),60).ne.0.) then stop 'SRF Output greater than 1.5 hours and not on a whole hour' endif endif if ( then if(mod(nint(radisp),60).ne.0.) then stop 'RAD Output greater than 1.5 hours and not on a whole hour' endif endif if ( then if(mod(nint(chemfrq),60).ne.0.) then stop 'CHE Output greater than 1.5 hours and not on a whole hour' endif endif c Convert save, ATM, and print output frequency from min to sec nsavfrq = nint(60.*savfrq) ntapfrq = nint(60.*tapfrq) nprtfrq = nint(60.*prtfrq) ktau = 0 xtime = 0. ntime = 0 dtsplit(2) = dt/2. dtsplit(1) = dt/4. do ns=1,nsplit dtau(ns)=dtsplit(ns) enddo print *,' dtau = ', dtau dt0 = dt !store original dt maschk=nint(prtfrq*3600./dt) !convert prtfrq to #of time steps nradisp=nint(60.*radisp) !convert radisp to time steps ifrabe=nint(3600.*abemh/dt) !abemh is time interval abs./emis. calc. kbats = nint(60.*batfrq) nbatst=nint(abatm/dt) dt2 = 2.*dt Cchem2 kchem = nint(60.*chemfrq) ! convert chemfrq to time steps Cchem2_ c.....calculate the time step in minutes. dtmin = dt/60. deltmx = dt c.....compute the time steps for radiation computation. ntrad = nint(radfrq/dtmin) csb lake model mods c.....compute the time steps for lake model call. dtlake = 3600. klake = nint(dtlake/dt) csb end lake model mods c c-----dimensions : c il = ix jl = jx kl = kx klp1 = kl+1 klm = kl-1 ilxm = ilx-1 jlxm = jlx-1 c CALL INITDATE CALL FINDDATE(NSTRT0,IDATE0) CALL FINDDATE(NSTART,IDATE1) CALL FINDDATE(NNNEND,IDATE2) NNNCHK=NSTART c ktaur = nint((NSTART-NSTRT0)*ibdyfrq*60/dtmin) ntimax= (NNNEND-NSTRT0)*ibdyfrq*60 print *, 'IDATE1, IDATE2, dtmin, ktaur = ' a , IDATE1, IDATE2, dtmin, ktaur ldatez= IDATE1 NNNNNN= NSTART lyear = ldatez/1000000 lmonth=(ldatez-lyear*1000000)/10000 lday =(ldatez-lyear*1000000-lmonth*10000)/100 lhour = mod(ldatez,100) idatex= ldatez c c-----specify the julian date and gmt of the initial data. c dectim : is the time in minutes after which the solar declination c angle must be recalculated. c print*,'READING HEADER FILE' write(finm,101) iutin 101 format('fort.',I2) if( THEN open(iutin1,file='fort.11',form='unformatted',status='old' & ,access='direct',recl=ix*jx*IZ*ibyte) endif open(iutin,file=finm,form='unformatted',status='old' & ,access='direct',recl=ix*jx*ibyte) read(iutin,rec=1,iostat=ierr) nyy,nxx,kzz,dxsp,clat,clon,plat,plon & ,grdfac,proj,sp1d,ptsp,igrads,ibigend print*,'DIMS',nyy,nxx,kzz print*,'DOMAIN',dxsp,clat,clon,plat,plon,grdfac print*,'PROJ',proj print*,'SIGMA',sp1d print*,'PTOP',ptsp print*,'OUTPUT',igrads,ibigend ptop = ptsp dx = dxsp if ( .or. .or. then print*,'IMPROPER DIMENSION SPECIFICATION (SUBROUTINE PARAM)' print*,' SET IN regcm.param: IX=',ix,' JX=',jx, ' KX=',kx print*,' SET IN TERRAIN: NYY=',nyy,' NXX=',nxx,' NZZ=',kzz print*,' Also check ibyte in regcm.param: ibyte = ',ibyte stop 'dimensions (param.f)' end if call sp2dp(sp1d,sigma,kxp1,1,1) Crst-fix mdate0 = IDATE0 print *,'***** mdate = ',mdate0 myear = mdate0/1000000 nyear = IDATE1/1000000 nmonth= (IDATE1-nyear*1000000)/10000 mdate1 = mdate0 - myear*1000000 mmon = mdate1/10000 mday = (mdate1 - mmon*10000)/100 gmt = mdate1-mmon*10000-mday*100 Crst-fix_ c c.....find the year is a leap year or not (assume the initial data c is within this century.): if( myear = 1900+myear my1 = mod(myear,4) my2 = mod(myear,100) my3 = mod(myear,400) if (my1 .eq. 0 .and. my2 .ne. 0 .or. my3 .eq. 0) mmd(2) = 29 julday = mday do 85 m=1,mmon-1 julday = julday+mmd(m) 85 continue dectim = (1440.-gmt*60.) c-----specify the constants used in the model. c conf : condensation threshold. c qcth : threshold for the onset of autoconversion. c qck1oce : constant autoconversion rate for ocean. c qck1land : constant autoconversion rate for land. c xlv : latent heat of condensation at 0 c in j/kg. c ep1 : constant used in computing virture temperature. c ep2 : constant used in computing saturation mixing ratio. c svp1, svp2, svp3 : constants used in computing saturation c vapor pressure. c avt, bvt : constants used in computing terminal velocity of c raindrops. c all the other constants are used to compute the cloud c microphysical parameterization (ref. orville & kopp, 1977 jas). c degrad = 0.0174533 eomeg = 7.292e-5 dpd = 360./365.25 !0.986301 (degrees/day) eqoft = 0. solcon = 1.3956e3 stbolt = 5.76383e-8 r = 287. cp = 1004. rovcp = r/cp g = 9.8 rovg = r/g karman = 0.4 rhos = 1.16 ptop4 = 4.*ptop cd = 0.002 cdsea = 0.0015 ch = 0.002 chsea = 0.0015 alpha = 0. ! =.2495 in brown-campana; =0. in split explicit beta = 1.-2.*alpha gnu = 0.10 ! default = 0.1 omu = 1.-2.*gnu gnuhf = 0.5*gnu omuhf = 1.-2.*gnuhf dx2 = 2.*dx dx4 = 4.*dx dx8 = 8.*dx dx16 = 16.*dx dxsq = dx*dx c200 = karman*karman*dx/(4.*(100.-ptop)) c201 = (100.-ptop)/dxsq c203 = 1./dxsq xkhz = 1.5e-3*dxsq/dt xkhmax = dxsq/(64.*dt) rv = 461.5 xlv = 2.5e6 ep1 = 0.608 ep2 = 0.622 xlvocp = xlv/cp cex5 --------------------------------- cex5 svp1 = 0.611 cex5 svp2 = 19.84659 cex5 svp3 = 5418.12 svp1 = 0.6112 svp2 = 17.67 svp3 = 29.65 cex5 --------------------------------- thrlh1=0.0002 thrlh2=0.0003 tauht=7200. akht1=dxsq/tauht akht2=dxsq/tauht c conf = 1. print *,' input/output parameters ' print *,' ifsave = ',ifsave,' savfrq = ',savfrq & ,' iftape = ',iftape,' tapfrq = ',tapfrq & ,' ifprt = ',ifprt,' prtfrq = ',prtfrq & ,' kxout = ',kxout,' jxsex = ',jxsex & ,' radisp = ',radisp, 5 ' batfrq = ',batfrq,' nslice = ',nslice & ,' ifchem = ',ifchem,' chemfrq =',chemfrq print *, ' ' print *, ' physical parameterizations ' print *,' iboudy = ',iboudy,' icup = ',icup,' igcc =',igcc, 1 ' ipptls = ',ipptls,' iocnflx = ',iocnflx, 1 ' ipgf = ',ipgf, ' lakemod = ',lakemod, 1 ' ichem =',ichem print *, ' ' print *,' model parameters ' print *, ' radfrq = ',radfrq,' abatm = ',abatm, & ' abemh = ',abemh, ' dt = ',dt print *, ' ' print *, ' ncld = ',ncld print *, ' ' c c if (.not.ifrest) then print*,'HT' read(iutin,rec=2,iostat=ierr) ((sp2d(i,j),j=1,jx),i=1,ix) call sp2dp(sp2d,ht,ix,jx,1) if( THEN read(iutin1,rec=2,iostat=ierr)((sp2d1(i,j),j=1,jx*NZ) & ,i=1,ix*NZ) do j=1,jx*NZ do i=1,ix*NZ jj=mod(j,NZ) if(jj.eq.0) jj=NZ ii=mod(i,NZ) if(ii.eq.0) ii=NZ k=(jj-1)*NZ+ii jj=(j+NZ-1)/NZ ii=(i+NZ-1)/NZ ht1(k,ii,jj)=sp2d1(i,j)*g enddo enddo else do j=1,jx do i=1,ix ht1(1,i,j)=sp2d(i,j)*g enddo enddo endif print*,'HTSD' read(iutin,rec=3,iostat=ierr) ((sp2d(i,j),j=1,jx),i=1,ix) call sp2dp(sp2d,htsd,ix,jx,1) print*,'SATBRT' read(iutin,rec=4,iostat=ierr) ((sp2d(i,j),j=1,jx),i=1,ix) call sp2dp(sp2d,satbrt,ix,jx,1) IF( then read(iutin1,rec=4,iostat=ierr)((sp2d1(i,j),j=1,jx*NZ) & ,i=1,ix*NZ) do j=1,jx*NZ do i=1,ix*NZ jj=mod(j,NZ) if(jj.eq.0) jj=NZ ii=mod(i,NZ) if(ii.eq.0) ii=NZ k=(jj-1)*NZ+ii jj=(j+NZ-1)/NZ ii=(i+NZ-1)/NZ satbrt1(k,ii,jj)=sp2d1(i,j) enddo enddo else do j=1,jx do i=1,ix satbrt1(1,i,j)=satbrt(i,j) enddo enddo endif print*,'XLAT' read(iutin,rec=5,iostat=ierr) ((sp2d(i,j),j=1,jx),i=1,ix) call sp2dp(sp2d,xlat,ix,jx,1) print*,'XLONG' read(iutin,rec=6,iostat=ierr) ((sp2d(i,j),j=1,jx),i=1,ix) call sp2dp(sp2d,xlong,ix,jx,1) print*,'MSFX' read(iutin,rec=9,iostat=ierr) ((sp2d(i,j),j=1,jx),i=1,ix) call sp2dp(sp2d,msfx,ix,jx,1) print*,'MSFD' read(iutin,rec=10,iostat=ierr) ((sp2d(i,j),j=1,jx),i=1,ix) call sp2dp(sp2d,msfd,ix,jx,1) print*,'F' read(iutin,rec=11,iostat=ierr) ((sp2d(i,j),j=1,jx),i=1,ix) call sp2dp(sp2d,f,ix,jx,1) print*,'SNOWC' read(iutin,rec=12,iostat=ierr) ((sp2d(i,j),j=1,jx),i=1,ix) call sp2dp(sp2d,snowc,ix,jx,1) close(iutin) if ( then print*,'END OF FILE REACHED (SUBROUTINE PARAM)' print*,' Check ibyte in regcm.param: ibyte = ',ibyte stop 'EOF (param.f)' endif c------invert mapscale factors: do j=1,jl do i=1,il msfd(i,j)=1./msfd(i,j) end do end do do j=1,jlx do i=1,ilx msfx(i,j)=1./msfx(i,j) ht(i,j)=ht(i,j)*g end do end do print*,' ' print*,'***************************************************' print*,'***************************************************' print*,'**** RegCM IS BEING RUN ON THE FOLLOWING GRID: ****' print*,'**** Map Projection: ',proj,' ****' print*,'**** IX=',ix,' JX=',jx,' KX=',kx & ,' ****' print*,'**** PTOP=',ptsp,' DX=',dxsp,' ****' print*,'**** CLAT= ',clat,' CLON=',clon,' ****' if (proj.eq.'MERCAT') & print*,'**** PLAT= ',plat,' PLON=',plon,' ****' print*,'***************************************************' print*,' ' if(NONHYDRO) then amaxrot=-99. aminrot= 99. do j=2,jlx do i=2,ilx ef(i,j)=0. cosrot(i,j)=0. sinrot(i,j)=0. xlatd=0.25*(xlat(i-1,j-1)+xlat(i-1,j)+xlat(i,j-1)+xlat(i,j)) ef(i,j)=2.*eomeg*dcos(degrad*xlatd) dlong=0.5*(xlong(i,j-1)+xlong(i,j)-xlong(i-1,j-1)-xlong(i-1,j)) C Dateline if( 180.)dlong=dlong-360. if( dlat=0.5*(xlat(i,j-1)+xlat(i,j)-xlat(i-1,j-1)-xlat(i-1,j)) if(dabs(dlat).lt.1.d-5) dlat=1.d-5 C ROTATION ANGLE OF NORTH RELATIVE TO Y-AXIS (+VE CLOCKWISE) rotang=-datan(dlong/dlat*cos(degrad*xlatd)) if( rotang=rotang+4.*datan(1.0d0) cosrot(i,j)=dcos(rotang) sinrot(i,j)=dsin(rotang) amaxrot=dmax1(rotang,amaxrot) aminrot=dmin1(rotang,aminrot) enddo enddo dmaxrot=amaxrot/degrad dminrot=aminrot/degrad endif end if c c-----compute dsigma and half sigma levels. c do 100 k=1,kl dsigma(k)=sigma(k+1)-sigma(k) a(k)=0.5*(sigma(k+1)+sigma(k)) 100 continue do k=1,kx if (a(k).lt.0.4) then anudg(k) = 3. elseif (a(k).lt.0.8) then anudg(k) = 2. else anudg(k) = 1. end if end do c c-----specify heating profile (twght) and weighted function c for moisture fluxes due to convection (vqflx) c assume base of cloud varies as < kbase = 5,kl > c top of cloud varies as < ktop = 1,kbase-3 > c exceptions to this are treated explicitly in subroutine c "cupara". c do 108 kbase = 5,kl do 108 ktop = 1,kbase-3 do 102 k=1,kl twght(k,kbase,ktop) = 0. vqflx(k,kbase,ktop) = 0. 102 continue c c......get twght from 1/2 level sigma values c bb = dlog(a(ktop)) + dlog(a(kbase)) cc = dlog(a(ktop)) * dlog(a(kbase)) ssum = 0. do 103 k=ktop,kbase xx = dlog(a(k)) twght(k,kbase,ktop) = (xx * xx) - (bb * xx) + cc ssum = ssum + twght(k,kbase,ktop)*dsigma(k) 103 continue do 104 k=ktop,kbase twght(k,kbase,ktop) = twght(k,kbase,ktop)/ssum 104 continue c c......get vqflx from d(w*q) / dsigma on full levels c do computations in p to avoid sigma=0. discontinuity c xtop = dlog((100.-ptop)*sigma(ktop) + ptop) xbot = dlog((100.-ptop)*sigma(kbase+1) + ptop) bb = xtop + xbot cc = xtop * xbot vqmax = 0. ssum = 0. xx = xtop yy = xbot wk = (xx * xx) - (bb * xx) + cc qk = -((yy * yy) - (bb * yy) + cc) do 105 k=ktop,kbase xx = dlog((100.-ptop)*sigma(k+1) + ptop) yy = dlog((100.-ptop)*(sigma(ktop)+sigma(kbase+1)-sigma(k+1)) & + ptop) wkp1 = (xx * xx) - (bb * xx) + cc qkp1 = -((yy * yy) - (bb * yy) + cc) vqflx(k,kbase,ktop) = - ( (wkp1*qkp1) - (wk*qk) ) / dsigma(k) ssum = ssum + vqflx(k,kbase,ktop) if (dabs(vqflx(k,kbase,ktop)) .gt. vqmax) & vqmax = dabs(vqflx(k,kbase,ktop)) wk = wkp1 qk = qkp1 105 continue do 106 k=ktop,kbase vqflx(k,kbase,ktop) = vqflx(k,kbase,ktop) * vqrang / vqmax 106 continue c 108 continue c c----calculate max no of pbl levels: kt=k at highest allowed pbl level c-----1. caluclate sigma level at 700mb, assuming 600mb highest c----- allowed pbl, and 1013mb as standard surface pressure. (sigtbl) c-----2. find first model sigma level above sigtbl. c sigtbl = (70. - ptop)/(101.3 -ptop) kt = 1 do k = kl,1,-1 delsig = a(k)-sigtbl if(delsig.le.0.) then kt = k goto 111 endif enddo 111 print *, ' Index of highest allowed pbl: kt = ', kt print *,' ' c if(ipptls.eq.1) then print*,'AUTO-CONVERSION RATE: LAND=',qck1land & ,' OCEAN=',qck1oce print*,'RELATIVE HUMIDITY THRESHOLDS: LAND=',rh0land & ,' OCEAN=',rh0oce print*,'GULTEPE FACTORS: LAND=',gulland & ,' OCEAN=',guloce print*,'MAXIMUM CLOUD COVER FOR RADIATION: ',fcmax print*,'MAXIMUM RELATIVE HUMIDITY: ',rhmax print*,'rh0 temperature threshold: ',tc0 if (cevap.le.0.0) print*,'RAINDROP EVAPORATION NOT INCLUDED' if (caccr.le.0.0) print*,'RAINDROP ACCRETION NOT INCLUDED' print*,'Raindrop Evaporation Rate',cevap print*,'Raindrop Accretion Rate',caccr do j=1,jxb do i=1,ixb if (satbrt(i,j).gt.13.9 .and. satbrt(i,j).lt.15.1) then qck1(i,j) = qck1oce ! OCEAN cgul(i,j) = guloce ! OCEAN rh0(i,j) = rh0oce ! OCEAN else qck1(i,j) = qck1land ! LAND cgul(i,j) = gulland ! LAND rh0(i,j) = rh0land ! LAND end if end do end do endif print*,' ' if (icup.eq.1) then print*,'*********************************' print*,'***** Anthes-Kuo Convection *****' print*,'*********************************' elseif (icup.eq.2) then kbmax = kx do k=1,kx-1 if (a(k).le.skbmax) kbmax=kx-k end do print*,'*******************************************************' print*,' Grell Convection:' print*,' Max Shear:',shrmax print*,' Min Shear:',shrmin print*,' Max PPT eff:',edtmax print*,' Min PPT eff:',edtmin print*,' Max PPT eff(o):',edtmaxo print*,' Min PPT eff(o):',edtmino print*,' Max PPT eff(x):',edtmaxx print*,' Min PPT eff(x):',edtminx print*,' Max PBC (pbcmax):',pbcmax print*,' Min Cloud Depth:',mincld print*,' Max Cloud Base:',kbmax,skbmax print*,' Max Heating:',htmax print*,' Min Heating:',htmin if (igcc.eq.1) then print*,' Arakawa-Schubert (1974) Closure Assumption *****' elseif (igcc.eq.2) then print*,' Fritsch-Chappell (1980) Closure Assumption *****' print*,' ABE removal timescale: dtauc=',dtauc end if print*,'*******************************************************' do j=1,jxb do i=1,ixb shrmax2d(i,j) = shrmax shrmin2d(i,j) = shrmin edtmax2d(i,j) = edtmax edtmin2d(i,j) = edtmin edtmaxo2d(i,j) = edtmaxo edtmino2d(i,j) = edtmino edtmaxx2d(i,j) = edtmaxx edtminx2d(i,j) = edtminx pbcmax2d(i,j) = pbcmax mincld2d(i,j) = mincld kbmax2d(i,j) = kbmax htmax2d(i,j) = htmax htmin2d(i,j) = htmin dtauc2d(i,j) = dtauc*60. end do end do elseif (icup.eq.3) then print*,' ' print*,' The Betts-Miller Convection scheme is not properly' print*,' implemented. If want to work with it, comment out' print*,' the following stop statement in param.f' stop 'STOP (SUBROUTINE PARAM): BETTS-MILLER NOT WORKING' elseif (icup.eq.4) then cllwcv = 0.5e-4 ! Cloud liquid water content for convective precip. clfrcvmax = 0.25 ! Max cloud fractional cover for convective precip. minorig = kx do k=1,kx if (a(k).le.minsig) minorig=kx-k end do print*,' ' print*,'EMANUEL (1991) CONVECTION V4.3C (20 May, 2002)' print*,' MIN CONVECTION ORIGIN (minsig/orig): ',minsig,minorig print*,' AUTOCONVERSION THERSHOLD (elcrit): ',elcrit print*,' AUTOCONVERSION THRESHOLD TO ZERO (tlcrit): ',tlcrit print*,' ENTRAINMENT COEFFICIENT (entp): ',entp print*,' FRACTIONAL AREA OF UNSATURATED DNDRAFT (sigd): ',sigd print*,' PRECIP FRACTION OUTSIDE OF CLOUD (sigs): ',sigs print*,' FALL SPEED OF RAIN (omtrain): ',omtrain print*,' FALL SPEED OF SNOW (omtsnow): ',omtsnow print*,' RAIN EVAPORATION COEFFICIENT (coeffr): ',coeffr print*,' SNOW EVAPORATION COEFFICIENT (coeffs): ',coeffs print*,' CONVECTIVE MOMENTUM TRANSPORT COEFFICIENT (cu): ',cu print*,' DOWNDRAFT VELOCITY SCALE (betae): ',betae print*,' MAX NEGATIVE PERTURBATION BELOW LFC (dtmax): ',dtmax print*,' QUASI-EQUILIBRIUM APPROACH RATE (alphae): ',alphae print*,' QUASI-EQUILIBRIUM APPROACH RATE (damp): ',damp print*,' ' print*,' ' end if C Convective Cloud Cover afracl = 0.3 ! frac. cover for conv. precip. when dx=dxlarg afracs = 1.0 ! " " " " " " dx=dxsmal dlargc = 200.0 dsmalc = 10.0 dxtemc=dmin1(dmax1(dx,dsmalc),dlargc) clfrcv=afracl+(afracs-afracl)*((dlargc-dxtemc)/ 1 (dlargc-dsmalc))**2 clfrcv = dmin1(clfrcv,clfrcvmax) print*,' ' print*,'CONVECTIVE CLOUD FRACTION/WATER' print*,' Maximum Convective Cloud Cover' print*,' before resolution scaling: ',clfrcvmax print*,' Maximum Convective Cloud Cover' print*,' after resolution scaling: ',clfrcv print*,' Convective Cloud Water: ',cllwcv pi = 4.*datan(1.d0) avt = 841.99667 bvt = 0.8 trel= 3000. g4pb = 17.837825 g3pb = g4pb/(3.+bvt) g5pb = 1.8273 n0r = 8.e6 ppi = 1./(pi*n0r) vtc = avt*g4pb/6. prac = pi*n0r*avt*g3pb*0.25 prec1 = 2.*pi*n0r*0.78 prec2 = 2.*pi*n0r*0.32*avt**0.5*g5pb c c-----compute the vertical interpolation coefficients for t and qv. c twt(1,1) = 0. twt(1,2) = 0. qcon(1) = 0. do 150 k=2,kl twt(k,1) = (sigma(k)-a(k-1))/(a(k)-a(k-1)) twt(k,2) = 1.-twt(k,1) qcon(k) = (sigma(k)-a(k))/(a(k-1)-a(k)) 150 continue chibot = 450. ptmb = 10.*ptop pz = a(1)*(1000.-ptmb)+ptmb if (pz .gt. chibot) stop 160 do 160 k=1,kl pk = a(k)*(1000.-ptmb)+ptmb if (pk .gt. chibot) go to 160 kchi = k 160 continue c c-----compute the k level under which the maximum equivalent potential c temperature will be regarded as the origin of air parcel that c produces cloud (used in the cumulus parameterization scheme). c sig700 = (70. - ptop) / (100. - ptop) do 192 k=1,kl k700 = k if (sig700 .le. sigma(k+1) .and. sig700 .gt. sigma(k)) 1 go to 194 192 continue 194 continue c c-----specify the coefficients for sponge boundary conditions. c ispgd = nspgd-1 ispgx = nspgx-1 c.....for dot point variables: if (iboudy .eq. 4 ) then wgtd(1) = 0. wgtd(2) = 0.2 wgtd(3) = 0.55 wgtd(4) = 0.8 wgtd(5) = 0.95 c.....for cross point variables: wgtx(1) = 0. wgtx(2) = 0.4 wgtx(3) = 0.7 wgtx(4) = 0.9 endif c c-----specify the coefficients for nudging boundary conditions: c c.....for large domain: if (iboudy .eq. 1. or. iboudy.eq.5) then fnudge = 0.1/dt2 gnudge = (dxsq/dt)/50. endif IF(NONHYDRO) THEN DO I=1,IL DO J=1,JL XMUU(I,J)=omu XNUU(I,J)=gnu XMUT(I,J)=omu XNUT(I,J)=gnu ENDDO ENDDO DO J=1,JL XMUU(1,J)=1. XNUU(1,J)=0. XMUT(1,J)=1. XNUT(1,J)=0. XMUU(IL,J)=1. XNUU(IL,J)=0. XMUT(ILX,J)=1. XNUT(ILX,J)=0. ENDDO DO I=2,ILX XMUU(I,1)=1. XNUU(I,1)=0. XMUT(I,1)=1. XNUT(I,1)=0. XMUU(I,JL)=1. XNUU(I,JL)=0. XMUT(I,JLX)=1. XNUT(I,JLX)=0. ENDDO ENDIF if (icup.eq.3) CALL LUTBL(PTOP) c c-----print out the parameters specified in the model. c c print outparam c print physicsparam c print timeparam c.....for large domain: c if (ibltyp .eq. 0) print 1040 print 1070,julday,gmt,ntrad c if (iboudy .eq. 0) print 1180 if (iboudy .eq. 1) print 1182,fnudge,gnudge if (iboudy .eq. 2) print 1184 if (iboudy .eq. 3) print 1190 if (iboudy .eq. 4) print 1200 if (iboudy .eq. 5) print 1183,fnudge,gnudge print 1210 c do 250 k=1,kl 250 print 1220,k,sigma(k),a(k),dsigma(k),twt(k,1),twt(k,2),qcon(k) print 1230,klp1,sigma(klp1) daymax = ntimax / 1440. print 1240, daymax print 1250,dt print 1260,dx print 1270,jl,il print 1280,kl print 1290,xkhz print 1300,xkhmax 1040 format(/' frictionless and insulated for the lower boundary.') 1070 format(' the surface energy budget is used to calculate the gr 1ound temperature. julday = ',i3,' gmt = ',f4.1/10x, 2'the radiation is computed every ',i4,' time steps.') 1100 format(' heat and moisture fluxes from the ground are turned o 1ff.') 1180 format(/' the lateral boundary conditions are fixed.') 1182 format(/' relaxation boundary conditions (linear method)', 1 ' are used. fnudge = ', e15.5,' gnudge = ',e15.5) 1183 format(/' relaxation boudnary conditions (exponential method)', 1 ' are used. fnudge = ', e15.5,' gnudge = ',e15.5) 1184 format(/' time dependent boundary conditions are used.') 1190 format(/' inflow/outflow boundary conditions are used.') 1200 format(/' sponge boundary conditions are used.') 1210 format('0 k',4x,'sigma(k)',3x,' a(k)',5x,'dsigma(k)',4x,'twt(k,1) 1',5x,'twt(k,2)',5x,'qcon(k)'/) 1220 format(1x,i2,5x,f6.4,5x,f6.4,5x,f6.4,5x,f8.4,5x,f8.4,5x,f8.4) 1230 format(1x,i2,5x,f6.4) 1240 format(//' maximum time = ',f8.3,' days.') 1250 format(' time step = ',f7.2,' seconds') 1260 format(' dx = ',f7.0,' meters') 1270 format(' grid points (x,y) = (',i3,',',i3,')') 1280 format(' number of levels = ',i2) 1290 format(' constant hor. diff. coef. = ',e12.5,' m*m/s') 1300 format(' maximum hor. diff. coef. = ',e12.5,' m*m/s') c return end