[RegCNET] spin-up time. How long would you choose it to be
William J. Gutowski
gutowski at iastate.edu
Thu Jul 20 19:37:21 CEST 2006
If you have the resources, a small amount of experimentation
would be useful, interesting and perhaps publishable. It certainly
could be a good way to do "parallel" computing and getting overall
faster turnaround. Ray and I have had discussions with various
people over the years about spin-up and possibly tacking together
long sequences of simulations, as you propose, but I'm not sure
anyone has looked thoroughly at the problem for the time scales you
are interested in. It would be interesting to repeat analyses
similar to those in that Pan et al. paper, but with longer overlap
and simulation periods and including soil moisture and temperature.
On the issue of spin-up, John Roads has advocated a 2-year
spin-up for the Inter-CSE Transferability Experiments (e.g.,
http://rcmlab.agron.iastate.edu/twg/ and links therein). Jens and/or
Ole Christensen once published some work on RCM spin-up that proposed
even longer periods, but I believe the longer periods were primarily
for slowly evolving and weakly interacting lowest layers of their
multi-layer soil model.
These references may also be of interest:
Title: One-way nested regional climate simulations and domain size
Author(s): Vannitsem S, Chome F
Source: JOURNAL OF CLIMATE 18 (1): 229-233 JAN 1 2005
Title: Reinitialized versus continuous simulations for regional
climate downscaling
Author(s): Qian JH, Seth A, Zebiak S
Source: MONTHLY WEATHER REVIEW 131 (11): 2857-2874 NOV 2003
And possibly these, too, on the issue of re-initialization:
Title: Multi-year simulations and experimental seasonal predictions
for rainy seasons in China by using a nested regional climate model
(RegCM_NCC). part I: Sensitivity study
Author(s): Ding YH, Shi XL, Liu YM, Liu Y, Li QQ, Qian FF, Miao QQ,
Zhai QQ, Gao K
Title: Polar MM5 simulations of the winter climate of the Laurentide
Ice Sheet at the LGM
Author(s): Bromwich DH, Toracinta ER, Wei HL, Oglesby RJ, Fastook JL, Hughes TJ
Source: JOURNAL OF CLIMATE 17 (17): 3415-3433 SEP 2004
Title: Aspects of the fine-scale climatology over Lake Tanganyika as
resolved by a mesoscale model
Author(s): Savijarvi H, Jarvenoja S
At 11:28 AM -0500 7/20/06, Raymond Arritt wrote:
>Hello Costas,
>Some members of our group published a paper on this topic a few
>years ago. The paper is for North America instead of the
>Mediterranean so there will be some differences in soil moisture
>response; nevertheless, the results may be of interest for you. The
>citation is:
>Pan, Z., E. Takle, W. Gutowski, and R. Turner, 1999: Long simulation of
>regional climate as a sequence of short segments. Mon. Wea. Rev., 127,
>Ray Arritt
>Costas Douvis wrote:
>>Dear colleagues
>>I intend to run a 40-year simulation over the Mediterranean with
>>ERA-40 boundaries. I am facing the dilemma of doing one simulation
>>for the whole 40-year period or doing 3 x 15-year simulations at
>>three PCs thus splitting the 40-year period into three sub-periods
>>with an overlapping of 1-2 years from one sub-period to the other.
>>This will save me time but I am not sure if there will be any
>>problems with the continuity of the simulation by splitting one long
>>simulation into 3 shorter ones. I assume that for the atmospheric
>>part of the model a spin-up time of one month would be fine and so an
>>overlapping of one year from one sub-period to the other could be
>>safe enough but how about the other parts of the model like the land
>>surface? I would be grateful if you could give me your opinion.
>>Best regards Costas Douvis
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William J. Gutowski, Jr.
3021 Agronomy Hall
Dept. of Geological and
Atmospheric Sciences
Iowa State University
Dept. of Agronomy
Ames, Iowa 50011-1010
gutowski at iastate.edu
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